Three.js and OpenGL differ primarily in their level of abstraction and ease of use. Three.js is a high-level JavaScript library that enables facile creation of 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL, while OpenGL is a low-level software library designed for detailed, hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, requiring a deep understanding of C++ programming.

Three.js vs OpenGL

Key Differences Between Three.js and OpenGL

  • Language: Three.js uses JavaScript for creating 3D animations; OpenGL requires proficiency in C++.
  • Level of Complexity: Three.js simplifies 3D animations with its high-level library; OpenGL, being a low-level library, offers intricate control over graphics but is complex.
  • Web Integration: Three.js is natively built for web projects with WebGL; OpenGL is a standalone technology used across various platforms.
  • Usage: Three.js is popular for web-based games and animations; OpenGL excels in high-precision tasks like CAD, scientific applications, and commercial video games.
Comparison Three.js OpenGL
Initial Release April 24, 2010 1992
Developers Three.js Authors Managed by Khronos Group, with over 150 leading hardware & software companies
Language JavaScript, GLSL Knowledge in C++ required
Type JavaScript library Software library
Implementation WebGL Low-level rendering & modelling
Support for VR/AR Yes, via WebXR Yes
Hardware-accelerated 3D Yes, with JavaScript Yes
Major Contributors Ricardo Cabello, Paul Brunt, Branislav Uličný, Joshua Koo Silicon Graphics, Microsoft, IBM, DEC, and Intel and Khronos Group
Versions From version 118, Three.js uses WebGL 2.0 1.0 to 4.6
Key Features Multiple effects, scenes, cameras, animations, lights, materials, shaders, objects, geometry, support options Hardware-specific features through extensions, Shading language, indirect drawing, compatibility with OpenGL ES, Compute Shaders
Usability Runs in all browsers that support WebGL 1.0 Widely used in video games, CAD, scientific applications across many different platforms

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Breathing life into web browser canvases, Three.js is a cross-browser JavaScript library that processes animate 3D computer graphics. Revered as a tech marvel birthed out of the genius minds including Ricardo Cabello’s since 2010, Three.js harnesses the power of WebGL, sparing the need for browser plugins. Whether you’re infatuated with tech that paints 3D virtual wonderlands or seeking GPU-accelerated 3D animations, Three.js commits to deliver.

Brunt with JavaScript, this toolset is a haven for users ranging from Web developers, 3D artists, to the AR/VR enthusiast. Its support for Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR, it paves the way for immerse experiences, transforming websites from static pages into interactive adventures. Its MIT License ensures open access to this technological feat to all dedicated developers.

A vibrant 3D animation brought to life with Three.js

Pros of Three.js

  • Enables GPU-accelerated 3D animations
  • Highly collaborative with over 1700 contributors
  • No need for browser plugins
  • Supports Virtual and Augmented Reality

Cons of Three.js

  • Dependent on WebGL 1.0 for browser compatibility
  • Switch to WebGL 2.0 might alienate some users

What Is OpenGL and Who’s It For?

Molded with the precision for 3D graphic rendering, OpenGL has consistently showcased its prowess since 1992. A brainchild of Silicon Graphics, OpenGL stands as a low-level rendering & modelling software library. Primarily used for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, its reaches extend to video games, CAD, scientific applications and AR/VR platforms.

For developers soaked in C++ and with strong foundations in mathematical principles like linear algebra and geometry, OpenGL is the tool. If you’re developing games or designing intricate 3D models, OpenGL opens new horizons for tech explorers and innovators. OpenGL is widely recognized for its versatility between versions, adapting new features while maintaining forward compatibility.

A high-definition 3D game rendered using OpenGL

Pros of OpenGL

  • Wide-range use in video games and 3D modelling
  • Compatibility across platforms
  • Advancements with each version

Cons of OpenGL

  • Prerequisite knowledge in C++ and Math
  • Low-level language might be complex for beginners

Three.js vs OpenGL: Pricing

Both Three.js and OpenGL are open-source technologies and available for free under MIT License.


Hosted on Github under an MIT License, Three.js is a free and open-source technology. Given its license, developers can freely use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and sell copies of the software, provided they include the original copyright notice and disclaimers.


Like Three.js, OpenGL is also available for free. It is an open-standard, cross-platform graphics application programming interface (API) managed by the Khronos Group. Developers can utilize OpenGL in their projects without incurring any costs.

Code Examples for Three.js & OpenGL


Create an interactive 3D bouncing ball with collision detection. Requires Three.js library and basic understanding of JavaScript 3D graphics.

var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); var geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1,32,32); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 }); var ball = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); scene.add(ball); camera.position.z = 5; var velocity = new THREE.Vector3(0.1,0.2,0); function animate() { requestAnimationFrame(animate); ball.position.add(velocity); if (ball.position.y <= -2.5 || ball.position.y >= 2.5) velocity.y = -velocity.y; if (ball.position.x <= -2.5 || ball.position.x >= 2.5) velocity.x = -velocity.x; renderer.render(scene, camera); } animate();


A simple 2D triangle drawn with OpenGL. Requires the GLEW and GLFW libraries, as well as a rudimentary knowledge of C++ and shader programming.

#include <GL/glew.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> int main() { if (!glfwInit()) return -1; GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello Triangle", NULL, NULL); if (!window) { glfwTerminate(); return -1; } glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); glewInit(); while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex2f(-0.5f, -0.5f); glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.5f); glVertex2f(0.5f, -0.5f); glEnd(); glfwSwapBuffers(window); glfwPollEvents(); } glfwTerminate(); return 0; }

Three.js vs OpenGL: Which Should You Choose?

As a developer, making the right choice between Three.js and OpenGL means assessing your development needs and skills set. Let’s break it down for different audience segments.

Web developers

If you’re a web developer versed in JavaScript, Three.js is an excellent pick. It’s a high-level library, designed to streamline the creation of 3D graphics in a web browser, without necessitating the use of browser plugins. With WebGL utilization and an extensive contributor network on Github, it offers a complete package for web-based 3D animations.

A web developer in black glasses, huddled over a computer, examining lines of code in a dimly lit room

Game developers

For game developers, the verdict leans towards OpenGL. It has been the backbone of many commercial games and graphics engines, making it a powerful, low-level rendering and modeling tool. Its robustness and flexibility are enhanced with each version and hardware-focused extensions, promoting hardware acceleration of 3D graphics.

A game developer focused on a monitor displaying 3D game graphics, surrounded by concept sketches and designs

AR/VR enthusiasts

Three.js would be a more fitting choice for AR/VR enthusiasts. Why? Because of its innate support for Virtual and Augmented Reality through WebXR. Three.js bridges a gap, enabling the creation of browser-based AR/VR experiences using JavaScript.

A broad smile curved on the face of an AR/VR enthusiast, experiencing a virtual environment through a VR headset

Software companies

For software companies with an extensive C++ programming background, the choice would clearly be OpenGL. Its advanced hardware-specific features, succession by the Vulkan API, compatibility with OpenGL ES into one common API are matchless benefits.


In conclusion, the shootout isn’t about superiority but suitability. Whether its Three.js for its web and JavaScript-based prowess, or OpenGL for its advanced hardware-directed capabilities, the verdict rests with your development requisites.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.