Three.js and p5.js are powerful JavaScript libraries for producing interactive graphics. Three.js, created by Ricardo Cabello, specializes in 3D graphics and uses WebGL for GPU-accelerated animations. On the other hand, p5.js, originated in the MIT Media Lab, provides a simpler, more accessible approach to coding, focusing on 2D and 3D rendering, with a strong emphasis on teaching non-programmers.

Comparing Three.js and p5.js

Key Differences between Three.js and p5.js

  • Functionality: Three.js is optimized for creating and displaying 3D graphics, whereas p5.js is tailored to a simpler, broader usage including 2D and 3D rendering.
  • Origin & Community: Three.js was created by Ricardo Cabello with over 1700 contributors, whereas p5.js was initiated at the MIT Media Lab with several significant contributors.
  • Language: While both are JavaScript libraries, Three.js was originally developed in ActionScript and later ported to JavaScript.
  • AR/VR Support: Three.js supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR.
Factors Three.js p5.js
Developer Three.js Authors Casey Reas, Ben Fry
Initial Release April 24, 2010 2001
Language JavaScript, GLSL Java, GLSL, JavaScript
Type JavaScript library Graphics library
Overview A cross-browser JavaScript library for creating and displaying animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL. It also supports AR,VR via WebXR. An object-oriented graphics library for the visual design and teaching non-programmers computer programming in a visual context. It is developed in Java with additional simplifications for graphical user interface at the compilation, execution stage and is a precursor to Arduino, Wiring.
Contributors Over 1700 on Github Casey Reas, Ben Fry, Daniel Shiffman, Johanna Hedva, Jonathan Feinberg, James Gilles, Ben Alkov
Platform All browsers supporting WebGL 1.0 Multiple platforms including Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari and Google Chrome
Usage Creating 3D modelling and animation. Teaching computer programming in a visual context, creating simulation, interactive art, visual content, game rendering. Also used for prototyping of actual products in the Wiring, Arduino projects.

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js is a powerful and acclaimed JavaScript 3D library designed to transform simple code into compelling digital visualizations. It serves as a solid foundation for web developers, game designers and those interested in playing with 3D web graphics.

It is quintessential for users who want to inject a maximal impact dose of 3D dynamism into their web applications without the necessity for browser plugins, with a respectable lineage dating back to its creation by Ricardo Cabello in 2010.

Logo of Three.js with a 3D graphical rendering background scene

Pros of Three.js

  • Enables GPU-accelerated 3D animations with JavaScript.
  • Supports WebXR for Virtual and Augmented Reality.
  • Constantly evolving with more than 1700 contributors on Github.

Cons of Three.js

  • High learning curve for users unfamiliar with 3D concepts.
  • WebGL support required, limiting browser compatibility.
  • Lack of official documentation can present a challenge.

What Is p5.js And Who’s It For?

p5.js is an innovative graphics and multimedia library ideal for artists, designers, educators, and beginners. As an extension of the Processing language, it empowers users with intuitive, visual tools to create interactive media experiences in the browser.

Since its initiation in 2001 at MIT Media Lab, p5.js provides a more approachable gateway to computer programming in a visual context, making it a choice platform for teaching code to non-programmers.

Illustrative graphic showcasing a colourful array of p5.js design outputs

Pros of p5.js

  • Enables creative use of programming for non-programmers.
  • Expansive, beginner-friendly documentation and community.
  • Has built-in functions for interactivity and graphics.

Cons of p5.js

  • Less suitable for high-performance, complex applications.
  • Processing.js, a related project, was discontinued in 2018.
  • Java based: Can be seen as less flexible for some web contexts.

Three.js vs p5.js: Pricing

Both technologies, being open source, are completely free of charge.


Three.js operates under the MIT license, offering its rich features and functionality at no cost. It is hosted on Github, showing a dedication to maintaining a free, community-driven platform. Users can create complex 3D animations and AR/VR experiences without incurring any expenses. Contributions from over 1700 developers on Github further endorse the accessibility and cost-free nature of this powerful JavaScript library.


Like Three.js, the p5.js JavaScript library is also free to use under the GNU General Public and GNU Lesser General Public Licenses. This open-source library encourages a learning-centric, globally engaged community given its focus on non-programming visual design. With its official support from the Processing Foundation and prevalent use on platforms like Khan Academy, p5.js is equally committed to providing cost-effective solutions for artists, coders, and educators alike.

Code Examples for Three.js & p5.js


A simple 3D Cube rendering within the DOM. This will require the presence of Three.js library in your project.

var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

camera.position.z = 5;

function animate() {
    cube.rotation.x += 0.01;
    cube.rotation.y += 0.01;
    renderer.render(scene, camera);


Here’s how to create a simple 2D bouncing ball using p5.js library.

var ball = {
    x: 300,
    y: 200,
    xspeed: 4,
    yspeed: -3

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 400);

function draw() {

function move() {
    ball.x = ball.x + ball.xspeed;
    ball.y = ball.y + ball.yspeed;

function bounce() {
    if (ball.x > width || ball.x < 0) { ball.xspeed = ball.xspeed * -1; } if (ball.y > height || ball.y < 0) {
        ball.yspeed = ball.yspeed * -1;

function display() {
    ellipse(ball.x, ball.y, 24, 24);

The Final Verdict: Three.js or P5.js?

If you’re perched on the edge of indecision between Three.js and P5.js, hold tight. I’m about to crack this tough nut and help you figure out where best to invest your time and efforts.

Developers Seeking Sandboxes for 3D Animations

Without mincing words, Three.js is your safe haven. Need GPU-accelerated 3D animations? Want to create a universe without needing any browser plugins? Three.js has your back. This matured JavaScript library, birthed by Ricardo Cabello, brings remarkable contributions like API design, CanvasRenderer, SVGRenderer, and WebGL 2.0. Rest with assurance that quality aspects like geometry, shaders, materials are efficiently taken care of, thanks to the army of 1700+ contributors on GitHub.

Developer surrounded by multiple screens displaying 3D animations

Design Orientated Developers & Educators

Devoted to visual design and teaching non-programmers? P5.js is your answer. Born out of the Processing Foundation, P5.js is a user-friendly, visual context for beginners learning computer programming. Its historical ties to Arduino, usage in Khan Academy, and its Python lib,, proves its standing as an excellent entry point into the programming world.

Educator assisting beginner programmers

Pros Exploring Object-Oriented Programming & Interactive Art

Blow life into your static Java codes with P5.js. It’s not just a library; it’s an open platform that generates pure Java. This tool is the master key to creating interactive graphics, simulations, and art. It’s a winner, crowned by the likes of Ars Electronica and the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.

Professional developer creating interactive art

Tech enthusiasts, get your life jacket on and make a dive into the ocean of either Three.js or P5.js. Don’t get trapped in the binary of picking one over the other; instead, let your project needs and personal ambitions guide your way.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.