For beginners and developers seeking simplicity in creating 3D animations, Three.js is your go-to with its user-friendly high-level libraries. For those focusing on 3D applications and prefer minimal code, the ISO standard X3D-based X3DOM offers a more optimal choice.

Comparison of Three.js and X3DOM

Key Differences Between Three.js and X3DOM

  • Development: Three.js is driven by code-centric 3D modeling while X3DOM is based around declarative 3D scene description with minimal JavaScript/GLSL.
  • Community and Support: Both have robust communities, Three.js impresses with over 1700 contributors while X3DOM maintains regular meetings by X3D Graphics Working Group.
  • License: Three.js uses MIT License; X3DOM encourages the use of GNU GPL and Creative Commons licenses.
  • Capabilities: Three.js provides GPU-accelerated 3D animations and supports WebXR. X3DOM, on the other hand, is designed to work across diverse devices and supports profiles such as Interchange, Medical, and Immersive.
Comparison Three.js X3DOM
Initial Release April 24, 2010 Not Available
Hosted on Github Not Available
Languages JavaScript, GLSL WebGL, JavaScript
Type JavaScript library 3D Framework
License MIT GNU GPL, Creative Commons, Public Domain
Features Multiple effects, scenes, cameras, animations; Virtual and Augmented Reality, WebGL 2.0 Declarative 3D scene and behavior, X3D profiles and Humanoid Animation
Developer Community Over 1700 contributors Community interaction encouraged, meetings held by X3D Graphics Working Group
WebGL support All browsers supporting WebGL 1.0 Multiple browsers and operating systems
Javascript/GLSL Requirement Not required thanks to GPU-accelerated 3D animations Not required due to declarative 3D scene description

What Is Three.js? Who’s it for?

Three.js, a cross-browser JavaScript library and API, allows GPU-accelerated 3D animations via JavaScript, nullifying the need for browser plugins. First seen on Github in 2010 by creator Ricardo Cabello, it was born from original ActionScript and ported to JavaScript in 2009. A hub for creating, displaying animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser, Three.js simplifies intricate 3D animations by using WebGL.

This technology suits any coder for 3D modeling and animation, rotating cubes along its x and y axes after loading. With support for Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR, it operates in all browsers embracing WebGL 1.0.


Pros of Three.js

  • Advanced WebGL implementation
  • Supports AR/VR via WebXR
  • MIT License grants full rights to use

Cons of Three.js

  • Requires substantial knowledge in JavaScript
  • May need complex adjustments for different browsers
  • Lacks comprehensive technical support

What Is X3DOM? Who’s it for?

X3DOM, a seamless blend of X3D scenes and HTML5 DOM through WebGL, facilitates the crafting of declarative 3D scene descriptions and behavior without requiring low-level JavaScript/GLSL. Studded with wide-ranging versions of the framework and ISO Standard X3D base, it appreciably encourages community interaction for troubleshooting and issue reporting.

Targeting developers to everyday users, X3DOM impels a healthy involvement in 3D applications even with minimal coding knowledge. The X3D V4.0 works commendably across various devices, providing the perfect platform for 3D computer graphics representation.

Pros of X3DOM

  • Democratizes 3D application creation
  • Pledges ISO/IEC standards in 3D graphics
  • Community-driven problem-solving

Cons of X3DOM

  • Rides on browser’s WebGL support
  • Learning curve to understand X3D
  • May encounter compatibility issues across devices

Three.js vs X3DOM: Pricing

Both Three.js and X3DOM operate under open-source licenses, offering their rich AR/VR development features at a cost of zero dollars.


Three.js is licensed under the MIT License. For anyone unfamiliar with this terminology, it essentially translates to ‘free software’. You, as a user or developer, are permitted to use, copy, and distribute Three.js without shelling out a penny. This freedom doesn’t come at the expense of quality. With features ranging from animated 3D computer graphics to GPU-accelerated 3D animations, and an impressive host of contributors, Three.js offers exceptional value for money – or rather, no money at all.


Similarly, X3DOM champions the open-source ethos, offering its services under the GNU GPL and Creative Commons licenses. In layman’s terms, you’re free to use, modify, and distribute X3DOM at no cost. Despite its price tag, X3DOM offers a comprehensive suite of features, from HTML5DOM integration via WebGL to a rich scene authoring API. It also encourages active community contribution, thereby constantly improving and adapting. Certainly, a cost-effective choice for 3D applications.

Code Examples for Three.js & X3DOM


In the below example, we create a dynamic rainbow cube with Three.js. This code assumes you have Three.js library imported in your project. Ensure you feature WebGL enabled in your browser for optimal performance.

var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 ); var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 ); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } ); var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( cube ); camera.position.z = 5; function animate() { requestAnimationFrame( animate ); cube.rotation.x += 0.01; cube.rotation.y += 0.01; renderer.render( scene, camera );} animate();


The following code snippet is a X3DOM example that generates a rotating torus. Remember to link an X3DOM CSS and JS file for this example to work. The code totally relies on HTML5 Web Components.

<x3d showStat='false' showLog='false' x='0px' y='0px' width='100%' height='100%'><scene><transform id='cubeRot'><shape><appearance><material/;></appearance><box/></shape></transform></scene></x3d><script>let spin = () => { let element = document.querySelector('#cubeRot'); let date = new Date(); let rotation = '0,' + date.getSeconds() + ',0'; element.setAttribute('rotation', rotation);} setInterval(spin, 1000);</script>

Determining the Victor: Three.js vs X3DOM?

As we break down the walls of understanding these 3D JavaScript powerhouses, your choice becomes clear based on your unique needs.

Web Developers & Game Makers

If you are seeking control on GPU-accelerated 3D animations, with flexibility in creating complex 3D animations, the choice is evident – Three.js. With over 1700 contributors on Github, an extensive set of features, and support for WebGL 2.0, Three.js stands head & shoulders above the alternatives in the technological ring.

Web developer and game maker scrutinizing the capabilities of Three.js

AR/VR Creators

Immersed in the realm of Augmented & Virtual reality? Three.js helps your quest with native WebXR support. Create awe-inspiring AR/VR experiences – sans plugins, powered by introspective design and quick adaptability.

AR/VR Creator crafting experiences using Three.js

X3D Aficionados & Minimal Code Advocates

Should your compass point towards ISO standard X3D and desire for 3D applications with low-code requirements, X3DOM proves its mettle here. Its focus on declarative 3D scene description and behavior without touching JavaScript/GLSL makes it an enticing prospect.

Tech enthusiast examining the minimal code approach of X3DOM

When you juxtapose Three.js with X3DOM, the former is a savvy choice for adaptable 3D visualizations and AR/VR, while the latter takes the crown for X3D implementation and low-code solutions. Trust your unique needs, and the choice will assert itself.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.