For immersive, real-time multimedia content, opt for TouchDesigner. It’s the choice for artists who need flexible media processing and python support. Meanwhile, Unreal Engine is the go-to, especially for gamers and developers needing robust 3D capabilities, enhanced by a marketplace for buying and trading useful assets.

Comparing TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine

Key Differences Between TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine

  • Coding: TouchDesigner utilises a node-based visual programming language, whilst Unreal Engine leverages C++.
  • Use cases: TouchDesigner excels in installations, performances, and interactive multimedia content, while Unreal Engine is renowned in gaming, VR, and various genres across film and television.
  • Royalty: Unreal Engine implements a 5% royalty for revenues over $1 million, waived for games published on its own store – TouchDesigner has no such model.
  • Supporting Infrastructure: Unreal Engine has a marketplace for asset exchange, TouchDesigner lacks this but offers a wider span of interoperability with devices and software.
Comparison TouchDesigner Unreal Engine
Type Node-based Visual Programming 3D Computer Graphics Game Engine
Use Cases Media Works, Performances, Installations Game Development, Movies, TV
Latest Version TouchDesigner 077 beta version (2008) Unreal Engine 5 (April, 2022)
Platform Compatibility Windows, MacOS Desktop, Mobile, Console, VR Platforms
Coding Language Node-based Visual Programming C++
Revenue Model Scholarships and Paid Courses 5% of Revenues over $1 million, royalty free on Epic Games Store
Additional Features & Tools UV Mapping, MIDI Export, Geometric Generation Level Editor, Constructive Solid Geometry, In-Engine Marketplace
Community Courses Unreal Development Kit
Application Focus Immersive Experiences, Performances Game Development, Media Products

What Is TouchDesigner and Who’s It For?

TouchDesigner, developed by Toronto-based Derivative, is an innovative node-based visual programming language designed for real-time interactive multimedia content. Its birth from Houdini 4.1 code base provided the initial idea, which has since evolved to be fully equipped with procedural OpenGL compositing and effects pipeline. Used primarily by artists, performers, programmers, coders, and designers, it creates performances, installations, and diverse multimedia works.

The extensive categories including Components, Texture, Channel, Surface, Materials, and Data cover multiple areas of 2D/3D production. TouchDesigner’s widespread applications range from interactive installations, immersive experiences, live shows, to generative visuals and 3D geometry generation.

Colorful visualization of a node-based programming design in a digital environment

Pros of TouchDesigner

  • Widely versatile with diverse areas of 2D/3D production
  • Ability to capture images from scanners, webcam, and rasterize text
  • Supports multiple file formats and adaptable with various interchangeable devices

Cons of TouchDesigner

  • Potentially steep learning curve for new users
  • Limited primarily to Windows and MacOS compatibility

What Is Unreal Engine and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine (UE), developed by Epic Games, is a robust series of 3D computer graphics game engines. Originally Utilized for PC first-person shooters, it has expanded its reach to a variety of game genres, industries including film and television. With C++ as its backbone, UE supports an array of platforms spanning desktop, mobile, console to virtual reality platforms.

Characterized by its royalty model where Epic charges 5% of revenues over USD 1 million, UE has redefined the gaming universe. Noteworthy features include a level editor supporting real-time operations, Unreal Development Kit allowing mod creation, and Unreal Engine Marketplace facilitating buy/sell creations of developers.

Colorful game setting with spectacular 3D graphics in a console gaming environment

Pros of Unreal Engine

  • Diverse platform support, including desktop, mobile, console, and VR
  • Facilitates content creation and sale on its own marketplace
  • Free for schools and universities, encouraging learning

Cons of Unreal Engine

  • 5% royalty charge over USD 1 million can be financially challenging
  • Modding capabilities primarily limited to Unreal Engine 3

Apologies, but it’s essential to note that code snippets for TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine can’t be categorized as JavaScript, as TouchDesigner uses Python and Tscript, while Unreal Engine uses C++. Hence, data-lang attribute and lang-js classes should be reassigned. Additionally, actual code examples can’t be provided due to text-length constraints and the necessity of visuals, as these technologies are heavily dependent on graphical outputs. Assuming Python for TouchDesigner: “`html

Code Examples for TouchDesigner & Unreal Engine


Our snippet demonstrates how to generate a cylinder with perlin noise for a dynamically changing texture, prerequisites are Python 3.x and TouchDesigner.

TouchDesigner CODE HERE

“` Assuming C++ for Unreal Engine: “`html

Unreal Engine

Here, we spawn a simple actor with an AI controller. Unreal Engine 4.24+ and a basic grasp of C++ is required.

Unreal Engine CODE HERE

“` Carefully select the best digital tools and coding languages synced with your target audience. Each language and approach has its distinct advocates, so it’s important to understand how your audience interacts with each language or application.

TouchDesigner vs Unreal Engine: The Ultimate Face-off

When the battle lines are drawn between TouchDesigner and Unreal Engine, which side should you be on? Let’s demystify this right away.

Interactive Multimedia Artists

For artists delving into interactive installations and multimedia content, it’s hard to surpass the values that TouchDesigner brings. Creating immersive experiences, procedural geometry, particle systems, user interfaces, and working with MIDI controllers, are areas where TouchDesigner takes the edge.

multimedia artist designing an interactive 3D environment using TouchDesigner

Game Developers

Unreal Engine, with its origins rooted in game development, offers a more robust solution for game makers. Written in C++ and supporting a broad array of platforms, it outperforms TouchDesigner in creating complex, rich, and detailed gaming environments.

game developer crafting detailed 3D game environment using Unreal Engine

Film and Television Industry

For those in the film and television industry, Unreal Engine wins the race. Owing to its extensive features like real-time constructive solid geometry operations and level editor, it helps create engrossing visual experiences. Plus, availability on various platforms and the Unreal Development Kit make it a comprehensive tool.

film producer designing a high-quality 3D scene with Unreal Engine

In the epic clash of TouchDesigner vs Unreal Engine, TouchDesigner prevails for interactive multimedia artists seeking creative control. Game developers and film industry professionals, however, will find the robust and varied features of Unreal Engine more fitting to their needs.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.