For large-scale, intricate facility and environmental management, TRIRIGA, with its comprehensive IoT-based asset tracking and robust lease management, is unmatched. However, for software-intensive organizations seeking in-depth asset and license management coupled with intuitive functionality, ServiceNow shines.

Detailed comparison: Tririga vs ServiceNow

Key Differences Between TRIRIGA and ServiceNow

  • TRIRIGA excels in managing real estate, facilities and environmental projects with its detailed analytics and prioritization tools, while ServiceNow focuses on software installation, usage and compliance management.
  • TRIRIGA’s pervasive IoT integration allows asset tracking beyond the typical reach, whereas ServiceNow’s scope centers on software and related licenses.
  • TRIRIGA’s strength in compliance with US GAAP & IFRS lends proposed prowess in financial controls and reconciliation, contrasting with ServiceNow’s focus on customizable analytics for business process improvement.
  • ServiceNow offers a user-friendly UI and is readily extensible with third-party apps, while TRIRIGA leans into seamless integration with the likes of SAP and PeopleSoft for streamlined, end-to-end facility management.
Comparison IBM TRIRIGA ServiceNow
Key Functionality Integrated Workplace Management Systems Software Asset Management
Additional offerings Sustainability software, IoT Licence management, compliance, Software Spend Detection
Integration SAP, PeopleSoft, others Now Platform, third-party apps
Operational Benefits Project control, prioritization and stakeholder communication Actions insight via preconfigured dashboards, software installation management
Security FedRAMP standardized assessment Data, process seperation into domains

What Is TRIRIGA and Who’s It For?

TRIRIGA, an IBM Company, is a leading provider of Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS). Founded in Las Vegas in 2000, it initially offered business automation software for various sectors before entering the asset management space. The company has innovatively integrated functional models across diverse areas, from real estate to portfolio and environmental management. Its offerings have found special favor with large corporations and organizations managing multiple facilities or large campuses, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and environmental performance.

Colorful snapshot of a bustling office space, visualizing TRIRIGA's impact


  • Leader in IWMS and sustainable software solutions
  • Comprehensive portfolio covering multiple operation areas
  • Integrated with SAP, PeopleSoft and other solutions
  • Available in 22 languages, enabling global operations.


  • Unadvertised pricing; potential customers need to contact sales for details
  • High cost for customization/data migration/training
  • May be too expansive and complex for smaller businesses.

What Is ServiceNow’s Software Asset Management and Who’s It For?

ServiceNow’s Software Asset Management (SAM) is a streamlined tool designed for managing and optimizing software installations. This application sets the stage for custom configuration and license management, ensuring compliance while promoting strategic savings. SAM is ideal for businesses wishing to harness data-driven insights for performance improvement and lean on the built-in domain separation feature for customized control over their operations.

Colorful visualization of an intricate network of software systems, demonstrating ServiceNow's scope

Pros of ServiceNow’s Software Asset Management

  • Enhanced user interface for improved user experience
  • Includes multiple publisher packs for extended functionality
  • Offers insightful preconfigured dashboards for actionable business data
  • Supports domain separation for customized control.

Cons of ServiceNow’s Software Asset Management

  • Requires setup and configuration before usage
  • Charges for IT Asset Management application use
  • May require expert familiarity with IT Asset Management.

Picking Sides: TRIRIGA vs ServiceNow

Let’s cut to the chase, which between TRIRIGA and ServiceNow is your top pick?


TRIRIGA is your go-to. With its high-performing, fully integrated system offering extensive insights, it’s designed to seamlessly handle large volumes. Its comprehensive environmental-data gathering coupled with intelligent lease management pushes it ahead of the curve.But note: this comes with a heftier price tag.

A large corporate building


ServiceNow embodies simplicity. This platform is equipped with an instantly intuitive UI, preconfigured dashboards and extensive license management capabilities. If ease of use is your primary concern, ServiceNow definitely stands out.

A user interacting with a friendly interface


ServiceNow again takes the win for its unique domain separation feature; Its ability to separate data, process, and administrative tasks into specific domains facilitates unparalleled organization and control.

Visual representation of partitioned data and tasks

Your choice between TRIRIGA and ServiceNow largely hinges on your specific needs. If organization scale, extensive integrated systems, and regulatory compliance matter most, TRIRIGA takes the cake. However, for those seeking user-centric simplicity coupled with domain segregation, ServiceNow is a clear frontrunner.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.