When considering UniteAR vs. WorldCAST, tech-loving educators and developers should lean towards UniteAR for its extensive 3D models and AR gallery, as well as seamless website and call integrations. However, businesses and artists may prefer WorldCAST for its pricing transparency, well-rounded business usage and ease of modifying the created messaging.

UniteAR vs Worldcast

Key Differences Between UniteAR and WorldCAST

  • 3D Models & AR: UniteAR offers extensive 3D models and an AR gallery while WorldCAST relies on SketchFab integration.
  • Business Use: WorldCAST provides a simpler pricing model ($10/cast/month) and barrier-free creativity for businesses.
  • Modification: WorldCAST enables changes/modifies messaging post-creation, offering flexibility.
  • Integrations: UniteAR features seamless web and call integrations, whereas WorldCAST benefits from Canva and Sketchfab collaborations.
  • Data Privacy: UniteAR does not track user data, offering a more privacy-conscious approach.
Comparison UniteAR WorldCAST
User Experience Immersive, engaging experiences with 3D models, AR gallery Immersive, interactive experience creation
Coding Requirement No No
Platform iOS 11.1 or later, MacOS 11.0 or later iOS & Android supported
Features 360-degree content, videos, animated gifs, image slideshows MP4 Video, green screen video, animations, 3D Models, MP3 Audio, images, web buttons
Applications Marketing, advertising, education Education, non-profit organizations, tourism, retail, real estate
Pricing Free version available & options for in-app purchases Zero sign up, no contract, $10/cast/month for business use

What Is UniteAR and Who’s It For?

UniteAR is a potent augmented reality app developed by iBoson Innovations that allows the creation and sharing of immersive AR experiences. It packs a vast collection of over 100 3D models and multiple other features including image slideshows, videos, animated gifs and 360-degree content, all designed to provoke engagement. Key users of UniteAR encompass educators, creators, businesses, and enterprises seeking novel ways to present content.

Colorful 3D models displayed in an AR gallery

Pros of UniteAR

  • Easy creation of custom AR experiences without coding
  • Suite of AR engagement features and a sizeable 3D model library
  • Email, audio, website and phone call accessibility via 3D models
  • Does not track user data
  • Free to download with options for in-app purchases

Cons of UniteAR

  • Compatibility limited to iOS and MacOS
  • Though free, some features and experiences may require payment
  • App support primarily provided in English

What Is WorldCAST and Who’s It For?

WorldCAST is an AR web platform that facilitates the construction of immersive and interactive experiences without the need for coding. With a spatial editor feature and numerous content types including videos, animations, images and 3D models, it caters ideally to creators, artists, and businesses across a variety of sectors like education, retail, and real estate.

Colorful AR content depicting a retail shopping experience

Pros of WorldCAST

  • Simple creation of immersive AR experiences without coding
  • Versatility of AR content types
  • Marked compatibility including most smart devices and desktops
  • Flexible editing, allowing for changes or modifications in messaging
  • Consumer analytics available to track audience interactions

Cons of WorldCAST

  • WorldCAST isn’t free and costs $10/month for business use
  • Limited available file types for import, with support for FBX/OBJ/DAE coming soon
  • Dependence on internet to access and use the browser-based platform

UniteAR vs Worldcast: Pricing

While UniteAR offers a free version with options for in-app purchases, Worldcast’s pricing strategy is set at $10/cast/month for business use.


UniteAR, a SaaS platform for augmented reality (AR), provides a free version of its immersive technology, including a trial. Users have the opportunity to enhance their experience by opting for in-app purchases.


Worldcast operates on a tiered pricing strategy targeted towards businesses. It charges users $10 per cast per month. The web-based AR platform requires no contract, providing a simplified, no-commitment pricing structure for its users.

The Decisive Blow: UniteAR vs Worldcast

Drawing the battle lines between UniteAR and Worldcast, here’s our technical verdict tailored for various audience sectors.


UniteAR presents a more enticing offer with its powerful AR and flexible, code-agnostic platform. If you are looking for custom AR experiences, quick app creation, and comprehensive integrations, lean towards UniteAR. Worlcast is no slouch, providing flexibility with its spatial editor feature and broader file support, but its imminent support for FBX/OBJ/DAE files is a drawback currently.

Computer programmer typing code on his desktop in a clutter-free workspace


The marketing and advertising ease that UniteAR’s white-labeled apps and WebAR plugins provide is attractive. Worldcast however, appeals with its Canva integration and GeoCAST features, especially for outdoor events or location-based experiences.

Focused business marketer planning a digital advertising strategy on a whiteboard

Educators/Non-Profit Organizations

For education and non-profit organizations, both platforms offer engaging AR experiences. Yet, UniteAR’s diverse 3D models and immersive content could edge it ahead. On the flip side, Worldcast’s integration with Sketchfab and easy access via QR codes delivers fair competition.

Experienced educator explaining a scientific concept using augmented reality on her tablet

If you’re an AR enthusiast hunting for a robust, versatile platform, UniteAR wins with its custom AR capabilities and wider AR experience. For those seeking seamless creation and sharing of marker-based or location-specific AR experiences, Worldcast is your pick.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.