If you’re a novice AR creator or prioritize user privacy, UniteAR is the optimal choice, with its no-code platform and non-invasive data tracking. However, XR+ caters to comprehensive cross-device access and enhances video call quality through AR filters, making it more suitable for advanced operations and corporate users.

UniteAR vs XR+

Key Differences Between UniteAR and XR+

  • UniteAR emphasizes user privacy and does not link contact information to user identities whereas XR+ applies eco-responsibility and disability-friendly practices in its operations.
  • UniteAR provides a library of 100+ 3D models, while XR+ focuses on immersive, advanced storytelling potential with its no-code creative tools.
  • UniteAR has a proprietary AR engine for creating AR experiences, whereas XR+ allows custom development with API integration for more complex experiences.
  • UniteAR’s pricing has a free version and free trial available, XR+ offers App versions with varying features, including AR/VR/Metaverse, cross-device access, branding options, asset limitations, and support levels.
Comparison UniteAR XR+
AR/VR Experience Creation Provide tools to create custom AR experiences without coding. Offers no-code creative tools for advanced storytelling in AR/VR/Metaverse.
Platform iOS 11.1 or later, MacOS 11.0 or later. Device-agnostic deployment options
Features 3D models, 360-degree content, AR gallery, videos, animated gifs, image slideshows, XRmeet for digital assistance. Geolocatable storytelling, custom development, dynamic QR codes, automatic video creation with AI, AR filters.
Applications Marketing, advertising, education. Tourism, heritage, art, culture, events, festivals, live shows, marketing, communication, immersive games, commerce, services, education.
Technical Support Email support available, self-service platform for technical issues. Varied support levels depending upon the app version.
Pricing Free version available, free trial also available. Free, advanced and super XR web app versions available.
User Tracking Does not track user data. Offers dynamic QR codes for trackable experiences.

What Is UniteAR and Who’s It For?

UniteAR, a powerhouse in augmented reality engineered by iBoson Innovations, is a platform that breaks barriers by producing immersive and engaging AR experiences. It features an extensive AR gallery with over 100 3D models and grants the capability to generate customized AR encounters without the need for strenuous coding. This trail-blazer app is ideal for businesses, education sector, marketing and advertising professionals.

Colorful illustration of a technologist using UniteAR in a high-tech virtual reality lab

Pros of UniteAR

  • Over 100 3D models available for use
  • Crafting custom AR encounters involves no coding
  • Free app providing immersive experiences
  • Respects user data privacy, not tracking it
  • Supports multiple languages

Cons of UniteAR

  • Platform restricted to iOS 11.1 or later and MacOS 11.0 or later
  • Functionality hiccups with transparent GIF files

What Is XR+ and Who’s It For?

XR+ is a technology firm that specializes in Web AR/VR/Metaverse, focusing on promoting immersive storytelling without the need for coding. With sectors of application encompassing tourism, live shows, commerce, and more, XR+ uses AI and a diversity of interactive media, promoting access irrespective of device type, and ensuring eco-responsibility. Particularly beneficial for businesses in entertainment, commerce, services and educational sectors.

Colorful depiction of a professional seamlessly interacting with a web-based AR/VR technology at a digital workspace

Pros of XR+

  • No-code creative tools designed for advanced storytelling
  • Accessible across device types
  • Emphasizes eco-responsibility, reducing product returns by AR testing
  • Supports inclusivity features, including translations, subtitles, and audio descriptions
  • Promises speedy results without developer involvement

Cons of XR+

  • Creation of complex experiences may require custom development
  • For enterprise data solutions, data acquisition and access might require specialization

UniteAR vs XR+: Pricing

UniteAR offers a freemium model with optional in-app purchases, while XR+ provides layered options ranging from a free to more advanced, presumably paid tiers.


UniteAR’s monetization strategy is based on a freemium model, offering a free version of the application, complete with optional in-app purchases, and a free trial on offer. Details on the exact pricing or packages for the in-app purchases are not evident from the provided information. The application is available for multiple platforms, and users can enjoy AR experiences without any coding requirements.


XR+’s pricing structure appears to offer more depth, providing a free web app as well as advanced and super XR versions, presumably with increased functionality and cost. While the detail of these tiers is not given, it is inferred that feature access, branding options, asset limitations, support levels, and other criteria may distinguish them. Users may need to contact XR+ directly for specific pricing breakdowns.

UniteAR Versus XR+: The Final Showdown

Let’s cut to the chase – who wins the race between UniteAR and XR+, and for whom?

Developers & Game Makers

For developers and game makers, the pick is relatively simple: XR+. XR+’s dynamic QR codes, no-code creative tools, advanced storytelling abilities, and custom development make it an exceptional choice for developers seeking to tinker and innovate without compromise. Confident game developer immersed in layers of AR/VR technology, crafting innovative game designs with XR+ tools

Tech Enthusiasts

If you’re a tech enthusiast with a love for quirky features coupled with simplified usability, UniteAR takes the cake. Over 100 3D models to play with, exciting audio and visual options, custom AR experiences unleashed at few taps, and no pesky tracking of your data. Smiling tech enthusiast manipulating 3D models on the UniteAR technology platform in a bright, modern workspace

Marketers and Advertisers

If your domain is marketing or advertising, you’d want to side with XR+. Its AI capabilities, dynamic QR codes, eco-responsibility pledge, and immense user base offer a guaranteed platform to churn out compelling marketing campaigns. A focused marketer creating an innovative advertising campaign on the XR+ platform


Educators would find UniteAR more aligned with their requirements. Its user-friendly interface, variety of built-in models, easy-to-create customized AR experiences, and a free version make it an ideal tool for an enriched teaching-learning experience.

Businesses and Enterprises

For those steering the wheel of businesses and enterprises, XR+ proves to be more potent with its big data integration, AI and ML capabilities, and modular approach for disparate complex use-cases. A high powered business executive analyzing data and user patterns on the XR+ platform

Between UniteAR and XR+, there’s no universal winner. XR+ baffles with its advanced features, dynamic storytelling, and AI capabilities. UniteAR, on the other hand, caters to usability with its variety of models, immersive experiences, and straightforward interface. Your choice boils down to your needs and the problems you’re trying to solve.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.