
For beginner or mobile game developers, Unity shines with cross-platform support, a vast asset store, and a robust community. However, its new pricing model sparks concern, especially for indie developers. Babylon.js, a real-time 3D engine, is a worthy alternative with open-source accessibility, 3D rendering expertise, and its use in versatile environments, including ed-tech and avatars.

Unity vs Babylon.js Bullet-list:

Key Differences Between Unity and Babylon.js

  • Unity offers cross-platform support and rich asset store while Babylon.js excels in 3D graphics rendering via HTML5.
  • Babylon.js, being open-source, holds an edge in terms of accessibility against Unity’s changing pricing model.
  • Unity hurdles include a fee-based system triggering developer backlash; Babylon.js avoids such controversy.
  • Both have unique uses: Unity for AR/VR gaming, Babylon.js for diverse fields including ed-tech and crime visualization.
Comparison Unity Babylon.js
Initial Release 2005 2013
Focus 3D and 2D game development Real-time 3D engine for browsers
Cross-Platform Compatibility Yes (multiple OS including Android and iOS) Yes (via HTML5)
Pricing Structure Install-based fees from Jan 1, 2024 Open-source, free of charge
License Various based on product tier Apache License 2.0
Scripting Language BOO, Javascript, C# TypeScript, JavaScript
Developer Community Engagement Active, with focus on learning and problem-solving Active, with focus on diverse applications
Special Features AR/VR focus, Improved visual experiences Post-processing for photorealistic images, physics engine plugins

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity, at its core, is a remarkable game development engine designed to bring imaginations to life in astonishing 3D and 2D displays. Founded in 2005, it serves as the foundation for cross-platform games, empowering developers to launch their creative works across Android and iOS platforms, and even beyond. With advanced features and tools, Unity caters not only to the needs of established development entities but also solo developers and indie gaming projects.

Colorful sketch of a game developer brainstorming ideas in a modern workstation

Pros of Unity

  • Inclusion of multiple coding languages for diverse users
  • Rich asset store with pre-designed textures and features for brainstorming game designs
  • Active developer community for assistance and feedback
  • Emphasis on continuous improvement of user-friendliness and immersive visual experiences

Cons of Unity

  • Unfavorable pricing structure for indie mobile developers
  • Diminished trust due to sudden and unannounced changes
  • Potential harm to digital preservation efforts

What Is Babylon.js and Who’s It For?

Babylon.js stands as an innovative real-time 3D engine, painting vivid graphics via HTML5 right within your web browser. Authored by David Catuhe and backed by Microsoft, this engine has been a game-changer since its launch in 2013. Babylon.js is for developers, designers, and creators looking to transform virtual worlds, visualize data, or even revolutionize education in areas like medicine, through stable, adaptable, and stunning 3D effects.

Colorful image of virtual reality simulation in a futuristic studio

Pros of Babylon.js

  • Open-source code available under Apache License 2.0
  • Wide-ranged applications in various industries
  • Support from a vast community of contributors
  • API available for user projects with comprehensive documentation

Cons of Babylon.js

  • Limited use of constructive solid geometry for shell models
  • Dependency on plug-in physics engines like Cannon.js and Oimo

Unity vs Babylon.js: Pricing

While Unity utilizes an installation fee pricing model, Babylon.js leverages an open-source license making it free for developers.


Unity’s pricing model is hinged on a per-install fee, set to start on January 1, 2024. Under this model, developers pay each time a game crafted with Unity software is installed. However, developers are exempted from installation fees until their game surpasses 200,000 installations and crosses $200,000 in revenue. Despite this, the model has faced backlash from solo, indie, and mobile developers, who fear overcharging due to repeated downloads by a single user. Once available, Unity now withdrew the Unity Plus subscription tier.


Babylon.js is an open-source platform, freely accessible to developers. It’s distributed under the Apache License 2.0, which allows developers to use, modify, and distribute the software without incurring any cost. This pricing structure encourages flexibility and innovation, without the fear of additional expenses from widespread usage or download increments.

Code Examples for Unity & Babylon.js


A moderately complex Unity script to instantiate particles on mouse click. Requires a ParticleSystem prefab assigned to “particlePrefab” variable in the inspector.

using UnityEngine;

public class ParticleOnMouseClick : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject particlePrefab;
    private Vector3 GetMouseWorldPosition()
        Vector3 mousePoint = Input.mousePosition;
        mousePoint.z = Camera.main.nearClipPlane;
        return Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePoint);
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Vector3 position = GetMouseWorldPosition();
            Instantiate(particlePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity);


This Babylon.js snippet creates a merging color gradient on a rotating sphere mesh. Ensure to import Babylon.js library prior to running.

var createScene = function () {
    var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
    var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera('camera1', 0, 0, 0, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -0), scene);
    camera.setPosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -10));
    camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
    var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight('light1', new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);
    var sphere = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere('sphere', {segments:16, diameter:2}, scene);
    var mat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial('mat', scene);
    mat.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    mat.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
    sphere.material = mat;

    scene.registerBeforeRender(function () {
        mat.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(Math.sin(engine.getDeltaTime()/1000), Math.cos(engine.getDeltaTime()/1000), 1);
        sphere.rotate(BABYLON.Axis.Y, Math.PI / 180, BABYLON.Space.LOCAL);

    return scene;

Unity or Babylon.js | Choosing the Ideal Development Engine

At the intersection of technology and creativity, picking the right development engine is crucial. The match-up between Unity and Babylon.js is no light matter, and the decision leans on targeted needs. You’re up next to be enlightened.

Mobile & Cross-Platform Developers

If seamless cross-platform development draws you in, Unity is your match. It champion’s cross-platform game launch and AR/VR app creation. Expect divergent software compatibility and an asset store brimming with textures and features stimulating design ideas. Yet, tread lightly. The new perturbing pricing structure with install fees could offset your budgeting, while emerging markets catch a break with lower fees.

Mobile app developer, with dark hair and glasses, examining lines of code for cross-platform software compatibility, while considering pricing strategies

Indie & Solo Developers

For the lone wolves indie and solo developers, weighing financial sustainability is vital. Set your sight on Babylon.js. Its open-source nature under the Apache License 2.0 might just be your tide. However, Unity’s revised pricing structure may give you sleepless nights, anticipating sudden shifts that could destabilize your project’s economics.

Solo developer, with short brown hair and a stubble, deep in thoughts, evaluating the financial impact of pricing structures in a small home office

Multi-Domain Developers

Are you a jack-of-all-trades, dabbling in virtual worlds, crime data visualization or even medical education? Babylon.js might be your calling. Its versatility extending from fashion avatars to urban underground infrastructure modelling is unmatched. Adjust your sails and ride Babylon’s wave.

Multifaceted developer with long hair and a calm demeanor, working on data visualization code on a massive dual-monitor setup, surrounded by books and notes.

Unity plays a strong game in cross-platform development and AR/VR creation despite pricing concerns, while Babylon.js, leveraging its open-source status and versatile capability, attracts varied domains. Pick your turf!

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.