If you’re an indie game developer or solo creator on a budget, go for Love2D. It’s free, open-source, and ideal for 2D games. However, for developing immersive AR/VR, 3D, and cross-platform games, Unity proves to be a superior yet pricey choice.

Comparing Unity and Love2D

Key Differences Between Unity and Love2D

  • Unity is a robust platform for developing 3D, 2D, AR/VR, and cross-platform games, while Love2D is specific for 2D games.
  • Unity employs a fee-per-install pricing model, potentially detrimentally impacting solo developers, while Love2D is a free, open-source platform.
  • Unity provides a rich asset store, allowing more comprehensive game designs, unlike Love2D’s limited modules.
  • Love2D mainly uses C++ and Lua as programming languages, while Unity supports Boo script, Javascript and C#.
  • There’s active community support for both platforms, with Unity’s being considerably larger.
  • Unity no longer offers the Unity Plus subscription tier, while Love2D maintains consistency in its offering.
  • Unity occasionally faces backlash due to unanticipated changes, raising issues around developer’s financial stability. On the other hand, Love2D maintains a stable rapport with its users.
Comparison Unity LÖVE
Initial Release 2005 January 13, 2008
Platform Compatibility Several Operating Systems (including Android and iOS platforms) FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android
Pricing Model New model on January 1, 2024; fee per game installation (Free version and Pro version available) Free and Open-Source
Integrated Tools, Tech, and Features Wide range (including AR and 3D simulations) with rich asset store (textures, features) Primarily 2D game development, Provides Access to Video, Sound Functions, Compatible with SDL and OpenGL Libraries
Languages Supported BOO script, JavaScript, C# C++, Lua
Community Support Active developer community for assistance, problem-solving, system improvement feedback Community support via official Discord server, IRC channel, issue tracker
Additional Notes New Unity fees concerned developers regarding potential abuse and financial sustainability. Unity promises to introduce fraud detection practices. Power Limitations compared to Unity or Unreal. Limited Modules and no graphical interface. Straightforward installation from LÖVE website

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a robust game development engine, originating in 2005, known for creating rich 3D and 2D games across multiple platforms. The platform’s versatility is its greatest asset, enabling developers to pioneer in fields ranging from 3D simulations to augmented reality. Additionally, Unity serves as a comprehensive suite of tools and rendering technology necessary for high-quality game production. It’s tailored for both experienced professionals and aspiring developers, offering both a free and a pro version laden with significant features.

Colorful image showcasing a developer working on a Unity project in a tech-savvy environment

Pros of Unity

  • Allows development of cross-platform games
  • Active developer community for issue resolution and feedback
  • Rich asset store integrated with pre-designed features
  • Supports multiple coding languages
  • Commitment towards technology evolution for user-friendly, immersive visuals

Cons of Unity

  • New pricing model causing backlash, potential harm to solo and mobile developers
  • Mistrust due to unannounced changes and retroactive fees
  • Concerns of financial sustainability due to sudden pricing shifts
  • Differing fees for standard and emerging markets

What Is LÖVE and Who’s It For?

LÖVE is a free open-source game framework launched in 2008. Primarily catering to 2D game developers, it is written in C++ and uses Lua as its scripting language. The platform is supported on multiple systems, and it uses libraries such as SDL and OpenGL for enriched functionality. It has a wide command over audio-visual forms and physics engines, and compatibility with touchscreens and joystick controls. LÖVE is widely adopted in game development competitions and has gained acclaim in the developer community.

Colorful image of a game designer using LÖVE on a dual-screen setup in a light-filled office

Pros of LÖVE

  • Access to video and sound functions
  • Compatibility with multiple platforms
  • Offers libraries and engines for enhanced game development
  • Effective community support via Discord, IRC, and issue tracker

Cons of LÖVE

  • Lacks power compared to competitors like Unreal, Unity
  • Strictly deals with 2D games
  • No guarantee of cross-platform games working between different LÖVE versions
  • Limited modules and absence of a graphical interface

Unity vs LÖVE: Pricing

Unity employs a per-installation fee, hitting the developer’s pocket with each game download, while LÖVE2D is entirely open source and free.


Unity’s pricing model, due to be revised on January 1, 2024, demands developers pay for every game installation using Unity software. This approach has elicited backlash, particularly from solo and indie developers who fear financial harm. While Unity justifies the per-install fee won’t apply until a game exceeds $200,000 in revenue and 200,000 installations, unanticipated changes have diluted the trust between Unity and its users. Additionally, games sold in established markets like the US and UK bear higher fees than those in emerging markets.


LÖVE, on the flipside, is a free, open-source game development framework. There’s no price tag attached, making it a financially viable choice especially for indie developers and hobbyists. Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that while LÖVE is financially accessible, it might not pack as much technical firepower as Unity in terms of features and performance.

Code Examples for Unity & Love2D


The following Unity code snippet demonstrates how to create a quick and fun teleportation mechanic. A critical requirement for this snippet is to have Unity’s XR support installed. The teleportation concept is pivotal for movement in virtual reality (VR) experiences, proving to be a useful and immersive method of navigating virtual spaces.

        using UnityEngine;
        using UnityEngine.XR;

        public class Teleportation : MonoBehaviour
            public XRNode inputSource;
            public GameObject teleportMarker;

            private bool shouldTeleport;

            void Update()
                if (CheckIfActivated() && !shouldTeleport)
                else if (!CheckIfActivated() && shouldTeleport)

            void ShowTeleportMarker()
                RaycastHit hit;
                if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit))
                    teleportMarker.transform.position = hit.point;
                    shouldTeleport = true;

            void Teleport()
                transform.position = teleportMarker.transform.position;
                shouldTeleport = false;

            bool CheckIfActivated()
                InputDevice device = InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(inputSource);
                bool inputReceived;
                device.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.triggerButton, out inputReceived);
                return inputReceived;


This Love2D code snippet shows how to implement a simple, yet entertaining, particle effect system. A crucial requisite for this snippet is Love2D v11.0 or newer. Moreover, this particle effect can be a fun addition to game victories, losses, or similar in-game events.

        function love.load()
            particleImg = love.graphics.newImage('particle.png')

            system = love.graphics.newParticleSystem(particleImg, 100)
            system:setParticleLifetime(1, 2) 
            system:setLinearAcceleration(-10, -10, 10, 10) 
            system:setColors(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0) 

        function love.update(dt)

        function love.draw()
            love.graphics.draw(system, love.graphics.getWidth()/2, love.graphics.getHeight()/2)

        function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, isTouch)
            if button == 1 then
                system:setPosition(x, y)

Choosing Your Game Development Ace: Unity or Love2D?

As you dive deep into the vibrant panorama of game development, a critical choice lies ahead of you – Unity or Love2D?

Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR/VR) Enthusiasts

Unity stands as the vanguard for AR/VR development. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and high-quality rendering technology. On the downside, Unity’s new per-install fees could be a setback for specific developers, especially startups and indie creators.

AR/VR developer using Unity.

2D Game Developers

For those inclined towards 2D game development, Love2D seals the deal with its sharp focus on 2D gaming and simplicity of setup. However, limitation in power and module selection compared to Unity is an aspect to be considered.

2D Game developer immersed in coding with Love2D.

Indie Mobile Game Makers

While Unity’s diversified tools enable sophisticated mobile game creation, the emerging pricing model poses a potential handicap for indie developers. Love2D, with its free, open-source nature, invites more independent exploration without monetary constraints, albeit with a significant limitation in features.

Indie game developer working on a mobile game project.

Unity showcases power and versatility, excelling in AR/VR and 3D domains. Love2D scores in simplicity and ease of use, perfect for smaller, focused 2D projects. Weight your decision on your pursuit – advanced, complex innovations, or straightforward, creative expressions.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.