Unity, with its AR/VR focus and rich suite of tools, is ideal for advanced developers aiming for high-quality game creations. However, the new pricing structure presents financial concerns, particularly for indie developers. O3DE, being an open-source, flexible engine supported by industry giants, suits those seeking tailored controls and costly-efficiency. Notable are its features for physics simulations and motion graphics.

Unity vs O3DE comparison

Key Differences Between Unity and O3DE

  • Coding Languages: Unity supports BOO script, JavaScript, and C#. O3DE uses C++, Lua, and Python.
  • Community: Unity boasts a robust, supportive developer community. O3DE encourages code contribution and has strong industry support.
  • Fees: Unity’s new pricing model could pose risks to indie developers, whereas O3DE offers a free and open-source solution.
  • Applications: Unity’s focus on AR/VR game development contrasts with O3DE’s extensive use for asset construction and complex simulations.
Comparison Unity O3DE: Open 3D Engine
Initial Release Year 2005 2021
Cross-Platform Support Yes, including Android and iOS Yes, including Android, iOS, macOS
Scripting Languages Supported BOO Script, Javascript, C# C++, Lua, Python
Support and Community Active developer community Encourages code contributions, strong industry support
New Pricing Model Effective January 1, 2024, with install fees based on revenue and installations Free and Open Source
Asset Store Rich asset store with diverse pre-designed features Modular engine components called Gems
Specialization 3D and 2D game development, AR/VR offerings High performance, interactive experiences, simulation physics, creating cinematics
Operational Systems Adaptable with multiple operating systems Windows, Linux compatible; capable for mobile platforms like Android, iOS
Trust and Transparency Backlash from pricing changes and diminished trust Open-source model, supported by industry giants

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a robust, versatile game development engine renowned for creating captivating 3D and 2D games. Established in 2005, Unity facilitates the spectra of dreamers – from indie to big league developers, fostering a creative platform for striking, high-quality game creation. Unity’s expansive technological purview transcends gaming with a host of applications ranging from augmented reality to 3D simulations. Its overwhelming adaptability with various operating systems and the cross-platform launchability it affords are prized traits. However, it’s worth noting that Unity’s recent pricing redesign has provoked controversy within its developer community.

Colorful snapshots of game developers engrossed in creating intricate projects amidst a vibrant Unity-themed workspace

Pros of Unity

  • Powerful suite of developmental tools and rendering technology
  • Active developer community offering widespread problem-solving and feedback
  • Sophisticated developments facilitated by an array of coding language options
  • Robust asset store with a plethora of pre-designed textures

Cons of Unity

  • Controversial pricing model harms indie, solo, mobile developers
  • Fear of financial instability due to abrupt pricing shifts
  • Trust deficit due to unannounced changes and potential fee abuses
  • Concerns over hampered digital preservation efforts as a result of new fees

What Is O3DE and Who’s It For?

Open 3D Engine, or O3DE, is a premier, open-source, real-time 3D engine designed to construct dynamic, interactive experiences. Devised by the Open 3D Foundation, O3DE is particularly beneficial for developers seeking the versatility to simulate physics, animate, and create cinematics. Written in C++, Lua, and Python, the O3DE framework is modular and extensible, open for developers to shape and refine. Its inclusive yet rigorous system mandates cutting edge system requirements, attracting developers eager to harness its in-built efficiency and performance.

Colorful depiction of developers collaborating in a high-tech hub, imbued with the spirit of O3DE

Pros of O3DE

  • Compatible with multiple operating systems, ensuring diverse accessibility
  • Modular architecture facilitating customization and extensibility
  • Free and open-source with open invitation to contribute code
  • Strong industry backing from technology leaders like AWS, Microsoft, and Intel

Cons of O3DE

  • High system and software requirements can potentially limit accessibility
  • Lumberyard-based game New World received mixed reviews, casting doubt on execution
  • Fledgling stage in its lifecycle with room for refinement and stability

Unity vs O3DE: Pricing

Unity operates on a pay-per-install model with tiers for revenues and downloads, while O3DE is an open-source solution available for free.


Unity uses a unique pricing structure where developers must pay an install fee each time a game utilizing Unity software is installed. This fee only applies after the game hits $200,000 in revenue or surpasses 200,000 installations. Despite this, the fee is higher for games sold in “standard” markets such as the United States and the United Kingdom compared to “emerging” markets like India and China.


On the other hand, O3DE (Open 3D Engine) is an open-sourced, royalty-free solution, which eliminates costs for developers. It is backed by industry heavyweights including AWS, Adobe, Intel, and Microsoft, indicating robust support and reliable free usage.

Code Examples for Unity & O3DE

Unity – A Simple Torus Generator

This Unity code snippet dynamically generates a torus mesh. It only requires Unity Framework and basic knowledge of vectors and meshes. The setting for Torus Radius and Tube Radius will control the dimension and complexity of the torus.

        <pre>// Create Torus Function
    void CreateMesh()
    Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
    int Count = SEGMENTS * TUBES;
    int Length = SEGMENTS + 1;
    // Vertices, Normals and UVs
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; j <= SEGMENTS; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k <= TUBES; k++, i++)
            // Some magical mathematics to position the individual vertices.
    // Triangles
    for (int j = 0; j < SEGMENTS; j++, i++)
        // Code to draw the triangles.
    mesh = new Mesh
        vertices = vertices,
        normals = normals,
        uv = uvs,
        triangles = triangles
    meshFilter.mesh = mesh;

O3DE – Simple Health Component

This piece of O3DE code creates a Health Component for a game entity. This requires the knowledge of foundational C++ and basic understanding of O3DE’s entity-component system. It provides a simple way for entities to store and manipulate their health points.

        <pre>// Health Component Class
    class HealthComponent : public IComponent
        float maxHealth; // Store max health
        float currentHealth; // Store current health
        // Constructor
        HealthComponent(float maxHealth)
            : maxHealth(maxHealth), currentHealth(maxHealth) 
        { }
        // Damage health function
        void damage(float amount)
            currentHealth -= amount;
        // Heal health function
        void heal(float amount)
            currentHealth += amount;
        // Cap health so it's not outside bounds
        void capHealth()
            if (currentHealth < 0)
                currentHealth = 0;
            else if (currentHealth > maxHealth)
                currentHealth = maxHealth;

Unity or O3DE – Final Verdict

In the rapidly evolving tech sphere, choosing the right tool for your project is instrumental. Between Unity and O3DE, the choice tests the balance between established pedigree and ambitious newcomer status. Let us examine the most suitable option for different audience segments.

Mobile Game Developers

Unity is the preferred choice with its powerful yet flexible cross-platform features. The engine’s focus on mobile and AR/VR game development gives it an edge, despite pressing concerns around its changing pricing model.

A mobile game developer working on a Unity-based game on a dual-monitor setup, brainstorming design ideas.

Open-Source Enthusiasts

For developers valuing freedom, flexibility, and no hidden costs, O3DE, an open-source, real-time 3D engine, is the answer. With its capacity for high-performance, interactive experiences and support from industry titans, it holds promising potential.

An open-source enthusiast studying O3DE's code structure and functionalities on a large monitor, contributing to the code base.

AR/VR Innovators

Unity offers a significant advantage for AR/VR creators. The platform’s ambitious pursuit of next-gen AR/VR solutions and strong feature-set cater to this niche, albeit the looming doubts around the new per-install fee structure.

A VR developer wearing a VR headset and developing a new immersive experience using Unity 3D software.

Unity is the industry standard perfect for mobile game and AR/VR development, although it recently drew developers’ ire with a controversial pricing redesign. Newer O3DE, on the other hand, appeals to open-source enthusiasts seeking flexibility, future-proof architecture, and zero-cost licensing.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.