For budding game developers aiming for complex, cross-platform games, Unity with its wide suite of tools, is an excellent choice. However, if simple, browser-based 3D animations are your goal, Three.js‘s handy JavaScript library offers an efficient solution.

Comparison of Unity and Three.js

Key Differences Between Unity and Three.js

  • Unity offers rich tools for complex game development, while Three.js is best for creating and displaying 3D graphics in browsers.
  • Unity supports multiple coding languages including Javascript and C# whereas Three.js primarily uses Javascript.
  • Both platforms allow development of AR/VR features, but Unity has more robust support due to its game-centric design.
  • Unity’s pricing model includes an install fee past a revenue and installation threshold, while Three.js, under the MIT License, is freely accessible.
Comparison Unity Three.js
Launch Year 2005 2010
Platform Flexibility Android, iOS, other OS Web browsers
Primary Usage 3D/2D Games 3D Computer Graphics
AR/VR Support Yes Yes(via WebXR)
Community Active developer community Over 1700 contributors on Github
Structure Game development engine Javascript Library and API
Pricing Model Per-install fee from 2024 Free(MIT License)
Tools and Features Rich asset store, suite of creation tools Multiple scenes, cameras, animations, lights, objects, etc.
Language Support BOO script, JavaScript, C# JavaScript, GLSL
Benefit for Developers High-quality games, user-friendly tech, visuals GPU-accelerated 3D animations, complex animations easier to create

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Unity is a formidable game development tool launched in 2005, offering adept solutions for crafting both 3D and 2D games. Adaptable with a range of operating systems, it enables developers to create rich applications, from Augmented Reality to immersive 3D simulations. With the potential to launch cross-platform games for Android and iOS platforms, Unity has cemented itself as a reliable companion for developers. However, the platform is primarily designed for seasoned developers, specifically those focusing on advanced game development and AR/VR applications. Its pricing structure, due for a significant overhaul in 2024, has been a point of contention for solo, indie, and mobile developers.

Colorful illustration of a developer working on a game design using Unity in a tech-savvy workspace

Pros of Unity

  • Offers a suite of tools and high-quality rendering technology
  • Supports a variety of coding languages
  • Rich asset store and active developer community
  • Facilitates the production of sophisticated games

Cons of Unity

  • New pricing model could hamper digital preservation efforts
  • No longer offers Unity Plus subscription tier
  • Developers may incur costs for pirated copies
  • Unannounced changes have resulted in diminished trust

What Is Three.js and Who’s It For?

Three.js is a JavaScript library that was initially released in April 2010 by Ricardo Cabello. This powerful tool enables the creation and display of animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser without the need for plugins, thanks to its use of WebGL. As a high-level JavaScript library, Three.js simplifies the building process for intricate 3D animations. This software is geared towards professionals needing a flexible, robust tool for 3D modeling and animation, particularly users developing cross-browser-compatible software and AR/VR applications.

Colorful depiction of a developer transforming 3D animations using Three.js in a modern office

Pros of Three.js

  • Browser plugin-free GPU-accelerated 3D animations
  • High-level library makes complex animations easier to create
  • Supports Virtual and Augmented Reality via WebXR
  • Over 1700 contributors on Github

Cons of Three.js

  • Requires proficient understanding of JavaScript
  • Could seem complex for beginners
  • Limited community support compared to larger libraries
  • The rapid update cycle could emerge problematic for ongoing projects

Code Examples for Unity & Three.js

Unity: An Interactive Spinner Wheel

This code demonstrates an interactive spinner wheel in Unity. The code snippet below gives a virtual spinner a real-time rotation effect when the user clicks on a button. It uses Unity’s Rigidbody, a main element of the physics engine in Unity. The prerequisite for this code is a basic understanding of Unity and C#.

using UnityEngine;

public class Spinner : MonoBehaviour
    public Rigidbody rigidBody;

    void Start()
        rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

    public void SpinWheel(float spinPower)
        rigidBody.AddTorque(new Vector3(0, 0, spinPower));

Three.js: An Animated 3D Cube

This particular code snippet presents an animated 3D cube in Three.js. It creates a rotating cube with customized dimensions, color, and rotation speed. A rudimentary understanding of JavaScript and Three.js is required for this code.

var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );

var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );

var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 );
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );
var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( cube );

camera.position.z = 5;

function animate() {
    requestAnimationFrame( animate );
    cube.rotation.x += 0.01;
    cube.rotation.y += 0.01;
    renderer.render( scene, camera );

Unity or Three.js: Making the Right Choice

The debate between Unity and Three.js is as contentious as ever. Both offer enticing features, but your choice will ultimately boil down to your specific needs and objectives. Let’s find out the best match for you.

Innovative Game Developers

If you’re into developing cutting-edge, high-quality 3D or 2D games, Unity is your go-to. Its suite of tools, rich asset store, and advanced rendering technology facilitate the creation of intricate games. However, with revised pricing causing concerns, ongoing financial sustainability should be factored into your decision.

A focused game developer, engrossed in coding a 3D game on his multi-screen setup

AR/VR Content Creators

Unity, known for its extensive AR/VR features, makes it a powerful choice for AR/VR content creators. Its adaptability with different operating systems lets you construct immersive experiences seamlessly. Three.js, though not far behind with its WebXR support, doesn’t match Unity’s sheer breadth of AR/VR facilities.

An AR/VR developer using VR headset and immersive technology at an advanced workspace

Emerging Market Developers

If you’re a developer targeting emerging markets such as India and China, Unity’s differential fees model, which charges less for installations in these regions, will be financially beneficial. However, be mindful of Unity’s potential per-install fees that may impact profitability.

A dedicated Android developer in India, coding in a bustling tech startup environment

Web-Based 3D Animators

For web-based 3D animations, Three.js, with its potent and user-friendly JavaScript library and API, is a clear choice. Its effective WebGL implementation lets you handle complex 3D animations in-browser without plugins, offering a unique edge to web content creators.

A web-based 3D animator diligently working on a complex 3D graphic on a double monitor workspace

In the end, if you’re a robust game developer seeking fantastic AR/VR features and can navigate the potentially turbulent pricing changes, Unity is your bet. On the other hand, if you prefer web-based 3D animations through a user-friendly JavaScript library, without worrying about install-based fees, choose Three.js.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.