If you’re a developer seeking robust, diverse pre-designed features and flexibility in coding languages, opt for Unity. However, for larger projects requiring high-powered 3D rendering, or those generating significant revenue, Unreal Engine is the superior choice, particularly with its friendly revenue share.

Unity and Unreal Engine compared

Key Differences Between Unity and Unreal Engine

  • Coding: Unity offers multiple languages like BOO script, Javascript, and C#, while Unreal Engine primarily uses C++.
  • Pricing: Unity imposes a fee per installation which can affect solo and indie developers. Unreal Engine takes 5% of revenues over $1 million.
  • Marketplace: Unity has a rich asset store. Unreal Engine’s marketplace gives its creators an 88% share of the revenue generated.
  • Use Case: Unity is better for mobile and AR/VR games. Unreal Engine excels in rendering high-powered 3D environments.
Comparison Unity Unreal Engine
Initial Release 2005 1998
Cross-Platform Compatibility Yes, including Android and iOS platforms Yes, including desktop, mobile, console and VR platforms
Pricing Structure Fees per game install; changes effective January 1, 2024; free and Pro versions 5% of revenues over USD 1 million for commercial use; waived fees for games published on Epic Games Store
Asset Store Rich asset store with diverse pre-designed textures and features Marketplace for creators to sell and purchase creations
Supported Coding Languages BOO script, Javascript, C# C++
Community Support Active developer community for assistance and problem-solving Unreal Development Kit supporting development community
Learning and Application of Innovations Constant learning and application of new industry solutions Support for schools and universities
VR/AR Development Support for AR/VR features Support for VR platforms

What Is Unity and Who’s It For?

Founded in 2005, Unity is a renowned game development engine widely used for crafting 3D and 2D games, including Android and iOS platforms. It offers a robust suite of tools and features and a rendering technology to achieve high-quality gaming experiences. With an adaptable operating system, Unity facilitates the creation of various applications, from AR to 3D simulations. This engine mainly gears towards developers, with both free and paid versions packed with diverse functionalities.

Unity, however, has caused a stir among developers due to its revised pricing model, resulting in a breakdown of trust. The addition of per-install fees starting in 2024 has been deemed unfavorable, particularly for solo, indie, mobile developers. Despite the perceived pitfalls, Unity remains dedicated to evolving its technology and empowering an active developer community.

Colorful illustration of a developer working at their desk next to a Unity logo symbol

Pros of Unity

  • Diverse range of coding languages including BOO script, Javascript, and C#
  • Active developer community
  • Rapid evolution of technology for immersive visual experiences
  • Committed to fostering adaptability and collaboration resulting in enhanced game development

Cons of Unity

  • New pricing model that includes per-install fees
  • Retroactive fees announced, thereby creating mistrust among users
  • Concerns about pricing shifts compromising developers’ financial sustainability

What Is Unreal Engine and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine, developed by Epic Games, is a family of 3D computer graphics game engines famous since its unveiling in 1998 with the Unreal game. Initially engineered for first-person shooters on PC, the platform has broadened its prospects to cover various industries, including television and film, and platforms from console to VR. The engine, predominantly written in C++, is ideal for developers seeking an extensive suite of features and collaborative opportunities.

The most recent release, Unreal Engine 5, was launched in April 2022, offering further efficiencies and functionalities. A uniqueness of Unreal Engine is the waiving of its 5% royalty for games published on the Epic Games Store. The engine’s openness and commitment to providing free access to schools and universities exemplify its dedication to empowering the global gaming community.

Colorful picture of an engineer constructing a 3D model on the Unreal Engine platform

Pros of Unreal Engine

  • Wide platform support, including desktop, mobile, console, and VR
  • Engagement with acquired companies adding to its feature range
  • Release of Unreal Engine 4 and 5 for free, charging only when products surpass the revenue threshold
  • Kickstarter project templates provided for first-person or third-person experiences

Cons of Unreal Engine

  • Long development timelines, as evident in the Unreal Engine 4’s 18-month timeline
  • 5% royalty charged for products generating more than $3,000 per quarter

Unity vs Unreal Engine: Pricing

Unity adopts a per-install fee structure effective from 2024, with free and Pro versions, while Unreal Engine levies a 5% revenue-based fee for earnings over USD 1 million.


Starting January 1, 2024, Unity is implementing a per-install fee for any game using its software. The platform also offers both a free and Pro version. Developers will not be charged an install fee until their game generates $200,000 in revenue and records 200,000 installations. Furthermore, “standard” markets pay higher fees than “emerging” markets like India and China. Unity does not provide the Unity Plus subscription tier anymore.

Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine applies a 5% royalty on revenues over USD 1 million in case of commercial use; this model is waived off for games published on the Epic Games Store. In 2015, Unreal Engine 4 was released free for all users with a 5% revenue fee for products earning more than $3,000 per quarter. Furthermore, content creators on Unreal Engine Marketplace earn 88% revenue share. Noteworthily, Unreal Engine is free for educational institutions.

Sounds like a rigorous task but totally within reach.

Code Examples for Unity & Unreal Engine


A character controller that lets the character move in all directions, including jumping, while being affected by gravity. Ensure Unity’s CharacterController component is attached to the object.

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed = 3.0F;
    public float jumpSpeed = 8.0F;
    public float gravity = 20.0F;
    private Vector3 moveDirection = Vector3.zero;

    void Update() {
        CharacterController controller = GetComponent();
        if (controller.isGrounded) {
            moveDirection = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
            moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
            moveDirection *= speed;
            if (Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed;
        moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
        controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime);

Unreal Engine

A crucial piece of code that lets you dynamically spawn actors in the world. Ensure you have a valid reference to the actor class within the Unreal Engine editor.

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"

AActor* MyActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(ActorToSpawn, FVector(0,0,0), FRotator(0,0,0));

if (MyActor != NULL) 
    // Actor was spawned, you can now use it. 

These examples are simple and low on the line-count, but they demonstrate critical core concepts. Broaden the scope according to your needs. This is pure HTML, remember. Ensure the syntax highlighting is on point with proper identifiers using the Prism format.

The Final Verdict: Unity or Unreal Engine?

After an intense analysis, our final verdict puts the two titans, Unity and Unreal Engine, under the limelight. Here’s the lowdown for who should choose what:

Beginner Developers

Unity stands out for those stepping into the realm of game development. Its user-friendly interface, rich asset store, and diverse coding languages including Boo script, C# and JavaScript make Unity a solid choice for those seeking an easy learning curve.

A beginner developer exploring Unity for game development

High Revenue Game Makers

Unreal Engine, with its 5% revenue charge over $1 million, remains an ideal choice for developers anticipating high game revenues. Plus, with the royalty model waived for games published on the Epic Games Store, Unreal Engine promises financial advantages.

High revenue game maker using Unreal Engine for development

AR/VR Creators

For AR/VR creators, Unity emerges as the optimal pick. Unity is committed to facilitating the creation of engaging AR/VR games, providing tools and support for immersive visual experiences.

AR/VR game creator using Unity for developing immersive experiences

Academic Institutions

With Unreal Engine being free for schools and universities, Unreal Engine is an enticing option for these educational institutions venturing into game development education.

Students at a university studying Unreal Engine for game development

On the whole, if you’re a novice developer or AR/VR creator, Unity is the tool for you. However, if you anticipate high game revenues or represent an academic institution, Unreal Engine will serve your needs better.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.