When crafting games with robust 3D graphics, Unreal Engine emerges unmatched, ideal for developers experienced in C++. For Android app development, Android Studio, offering a versatile IDE and robust testing tools, is prize-worthy, especially for Kotlin and Java coders.

Differences of Unreal Engine and Android Studio

Key Differences Between Unreal Engine and Android Studio

  • Primary Use: Unreal Engine is designed for 3D game development while Android Studio caters to Android app development.
  • Language Support: Unreal Engine is written in C++, whereas Android Studio supports Kotlin, Java, and more.
  • Revenue Model: Unreal Engine charges a 5% royalty on revenue over $1 million whereas Android Studio is free.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Android Studio provides a flexible Gradle-based build system and a feature-rich emulator, Unreal Engine incorporates a level editor, UnrealEd.
Comparison Unreal Engine Android Studio
Initial Release 1998 May 16, 2013
Primary Language C++ Kotlin, C++, Java
Supported Platforms Desktop, Mobile, Console, VR All Android devices
License Model 5% of revenues over $1M, waived for Epic Games Store Free
Development Tools Level Editor(UnrealEd), Unreal Development Kit(UDK) IDE, Google Cloud Platform, Android SDK, Android Emulator
Marketplace for User Creations Yes, 88% Revenue Share No
Templates Project Templates for First/Third Person Experiences Code Templates for Feature Building
Support for Apps Yes, with UDK Yes, native
Extensions and Add-Ons Availability No Yes, for multiple languages

What Is Unreal Engine and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine, a product by Epic Games, is a comprehensive suite of tools designed for creating 3D computer graphics for various game genres, film, and television. It’s written in C++ and delivers high-fidelity, interactive experiences on PC, console, mobile, AR, VR, and the Web. Unreal Engine, with its wide array of functionalities and comprehensive content creation capabilities, is designed for software developers, game designers, film and TV professionals, and educators.

Colorful depiction of game developers immersed in virtual reality coding, against the backdrop of a high-tech lab

Pros of Unreal Engine

  • Extensive cross-platform support
  • Robust set of design and development tools
  • Free access for educational institutions
  • Active marketplace for selling creations or purchasing others’

Cons of Unreal Engine

  • Royalty fees on revenues over $1 million
  • Requires coding knowledge, especially in C++

What Is Android Studio and Who’s It For?

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development. Based on IntelliJ IDEA, it offers a flexible Gradle-based build system and a feature-rich emulator. It caters to developers keen on creating applications for the Android ecosystem. With its robust set of testing tools, code editors, and seamless GitHub integration, Android Studio is a one-stop solution for both aspiring and professional Android developers.

Colorful portrait of a diverse team of developers designing an Android app in an innovative workspace

Pros of Android Studio

  • Robust, easy-to-use, and feature-rich IDE
  • Facilitates development for all Android devices
  • Offers code templates and GitHub integration
  • Supports multiple programming languages including C++, Java, Kotlin

Cons of Android Studio

  • Requires high-spec systems for optimal performance
  • Can be complex and overwhelming for beginners

Unreal Engine vs Android Studio: Pricing

Unreal Engine uses a revenue-based pricing, whereas Android Studio is free for Android app development.

Unreal Engine

Epic Games charges a 5% royalty on revenues exceeding $1 million for the commercial usage of Unreal Engine. However, this royalty model is not applied for games published on the Epic Games Store. For products making more than $3,000 per quarter, Epic levies a 5% charge. The contested ratio for content creators on the Unreal Engine Marketplace is favourable, with an unparalleled 88% share of the revenue given to developers. For educational institutions such as schools and universities, Unreal Engine is entirely free.

Android Studio

Android Studio is wholly free of charge for app developers. It does not implement a revenue-based pricing structure, making it an affordable option for small enterprises and indie developers. However, it is worth noting that while the IDE itself is free, there might be costs associated with the use of specific features like Google Cloud Platform or the Android Virtual Device for debugging.

Code Examples for Unreal Engine & Android Studio

Unreal Engine

This Unreal Blueprint code creates a dynamic daytime cycle. It’s valuable for adding realism in 3D projects. Note: Assumes a directional light named ‘Sun’.

class DayCycle : AActor
    ADirectionalLight* Sun;

    float SecondsInFullDay = 120.0f;

    float elapsedTime = 0.0f;

    void OnTick(float DeltaSeconds)
        elapsedTime += DeltaSeconds;
        float fractionalDay = elapsedTime / SecondsInFullDay;
            FRotator{ 0.0f, 360.f * fractionalDay, 0.0f }

Android Studio

This code uses Android’s SensorManager to generate readings from the accelerometer. It’s a stepping stone to creating motion-controlled apps. Requires ‘android.permission.BODY_SENSORS’ permission.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements SensorEventListener{
    private SensorManager sensorManager;
    private Sensor accelerometer;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
        accelerometer = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
        sensorManager.registerListener(this, accelerometer,SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL);

    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
        Log.d("Sensor: ","X: "+event.values[0]+" Y: "+event.values[1]+" Z: "+event.values[2]);

Final Verdict: Unreal Engine vs Android Studio

Choosing between Unreal Engine and Android Studio? Let’s dissect this choice for different user audiences based on functionality and user needs.

Game Developers

If you are an intense game developer, Unreal Engine (UE) is more appealing. Its C++ foundation, extensive platform support, integration of a level editor and project templates make it a superior choice for game development. Commit a chunk of revenue to Epic Games, and reap the benefits of a robust, versatile game engine.

App Developers

Android Studio, hugely popular for app development, shines iridescent in this realm. Its Gradle-based build system, live edit for real-time updates, extensive testing tools and frameworks, resource and code reuse capabilities, and in-line debugging superiority make it a top choice for app developers, particularly for Android.

Educators and Learners

Forane to coding or teaching game development? Unreal Engine is your ticket. Its availability free for education, basic project templates and user-friendly interface works wonders for learning or teaching game development.

Indie Game Creators

UE calls indie game developers with resourceful Unreal Engine Marketplace and 88% revenue share, everything desired to take your game to unpreceded heights is within reach.

Game developers busy with code, navigating their way through the blueprints of Unreal Engine and Android Studio

What to choose? For robust, intensive game development, bet your chips on Unreal Engine. If Android app development is your current page, Android Studio navigates you safely. Indulge in the selling-buying advantages of UE’s Marketplace if an Indie developer, gum the boots with UE if academia is your playground.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.