For developers seeking robust 3D graphics and game engine capabilities, Unreal Engine is an optimal choice. Its C++ programming and level editor are ideal for sophisticated gaming applications. However, if cross-platform UI development and speedy app creation are the priority, Flutter, with its Dart programming and extensive widget catalog, should be the go-to choice.

Unreal Engine and Flutter compared

Key Differences Between Unreal Engine and Flutter

  • Programming Language: Unreal Engine uses C++, while Flutter utilizes Dart.
  • Application: Unreal Engine excels in 3D graphics and gaming; Flutter shines in cross-platform UI development.
  • Rendering: Unreal offers real-time constructive solid geometry operations; Flutter targets consistent rendering at 120 frames per second.
  • Cost: Unreal Engine applies a 5% royalty model for projects grossing over $1 million, while Flutter is open-source and essentially free.
  • Platform Support: Both cater to a wide range of platforms, but Flutter has an edge in supporting web-based applications and desktop platforms.
Comparison Unreal Engine Flutter
Initial Release 1998 May 2017
Developer Epic Games Google
Programming Languages C++ C, C++, Dart
Latest Release Unreal Engine 5 (April 2022) Flutter 3.13.0 (August 2023)
Supported Platforms Desktop, Mobile, Console, VR Platforms Android, iOS, Google Fuchsia, Web, Linux, macOS, Windows
Commercial Use Revenue Model 5% of revenues over USD 1 million Open-source (Free)
Community Engagement Unreal Engine Marketplace and Epic Games worldwide alliances Fluttercon
Usage Wide range of application include gaming, film, television General-purpose cross-platform development with over one million app publications

What Is Unreal Engine and Who’s It For?

Unreal Engine, developed by Epic Games, is a leading edge series of 3D computer graphics game engines. It’s versatility goes beyond gaming, stretching into film and television industries. Unreal Engine is intended for game developers, animators, film-makers and individuals in creative media and tech-based industries who require top-notch graphics processing capabilities.

Colorful scenario showing a game developer using 3D technology in an innovative workspace

Pros of Unreal Engine

  • Supports a wide range of platforms including desktop, mobile, console, and VR.
  • Free for schools and universities, encouraging education.
  • Offers a marketplace for creators to sell or buy creative work.
  • The latest Unreal Engine 5, launched in 2022, highlights ongoing innovation.

Cons of Unreal Engine

  • Epic Games charges 5% of revenues over USD 1 million.
  • Constructed in C++, a programming language which may pose a steep learning curve for beginners.
  • Real-time constructive solid geometry operations might require a high performance hardware.

What Is Flutter and Who’s It For?

Flutter, an open-source UI software development kit from Google, has revolutionized the app development landscape. With its cross-platform compatibility, it’s aimed at mobile and web developers who prioritize fast rendering, streamlined application performance and code efficiency. Favoring consistency, Flutter has an ambitious target of 120 frames per second rendering.

Colorful depiction of a developer building mobile applications in a contemporary office

Pros of Flutter

  • Powers applications across multiple platforms with a single codebase.
  • Stellar performance improvements over various updates.
  • Offers a large catalog of widgets, backing a robust UI/UX.
  • Supports multiple IDEs, catering to different developer preferences.

Cons of Flutter

  • Limited support for 3D, meaning it might not be optimal for game development.
  • Relies heavily on Dart, a programming language less commonly used than alternatives.
  • Greater file size of apps compared to its counterparts.

Unreal Engine vs Flutter: Pricing

Unreal Engine institutes a monetary threshold-based royalty while Flutter remains open-source and costless.

Unreal Engine

For commercial usage, Epic, the developer of Unreal Engine, implements a 5% royalty on all revenues above USD 1 million. However, this model is waived if games are published on the Epic Games Store. For revenues through the Unreal Engine Marketplace, creators receive an 88% cut of the revenues amassed from their creations. Importantly, Unreal Engine is completely free for educational institutions like schools and universities.


Flutter, developed by Google, is universally accessible and free of charge. Being an open-source framework, it doesn’t levy any costs on developers or businesses for usage. Its emphasis is on encouraging cross-platform and highly efficient application development without imposing any financial barrier.

Code Examples for Unreal Engine & Flutter

Unreal Engine

This Unreal Engine snippet will create a dynamic weather system. It’s vital to include the “Engine.h” and “Math/UnrealMathUtility.h” header files for this code to function appropriately.

                    #include "Engine.h"
            #include "Math/UnrealMathUtility.h"
            void DynamicWeatherSystem::BeginPlay()

                DaytimeCycle = 0;

                if (Sun)
                    OriginalSunColor = Sun->LightComponent->LightColor;

            void DynamicWeatherSystem::Tick(float DeltaTime)

                DaytimeCycle += DeltaTime / DayLength;

                if(DaytimeCycle > 1)
                    DaytimeCycle -= 1;

                    float SunHeight = FMath::Sin(DaytimeCycle * 2 * PI);
                    float SkyLerp = SunHeight /2 + 0.5;


This Flutter snippet generates an interactive FAB (Floating Action Button) that increments a counter when pressed. Make sure the ‘Material.dart’ package is imported for seamless execution.

                    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

            void main() => runApp(MyApp());

            class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
                Widget build(BuildContext context) {
                    return MaterialApp(
                        home: Scaffold(
                            appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Floating Action Button')),
                            body: Center(child: Text('You have pressed the button this many times:'),),
                            floatingActionButton: MyFab(),

            class MyFab extends StatefulWidget {
                _MyFabState createState() => _MyFabState();

            class _MyFabState extends State {
                int _c = 0;

                void _increment() {
                    setState(() {

                Widget build(BuildContext context) {
                    return FloatingActionButton(
                        onPressed: _increment,
                        tooltip: 'Increment',
                        child: Icon(Icons.add),

Unreal Engine or Flutter: Which to Deploy?

In the grand theater of tech, Unreal Engine and Flutter are powerhouses. But how do you decide between the fearsome 3D game engine and the resilient cross-platform trailblazer? Let’s deduce.

Game Developers

For developers who are breathing life into detailed and immersive 3D games, the choice is undeniably Unreal Engine. With its superior C++ programming language, an array of advanced features from Quixel acquisitions, and native support for VR, it’s a clear victor. You may also like the fact that it generously waives royalty models for games published on Epic Games Store.

Game developer coding on multiple monitors, surrounded by post-it notes and coffee, immersed in Unreal Engine code.

AR/VR Creators

Unreal Engine again gets the nod here. UE’s poignant flexibility to spin AR/VR experiences across different platforms makes it an unrivaled choice. Moreover, its user-friendly Unreal Development Kit and the promise of C++ speed make it a dream-come-true for AR/VR creators.

AR/VR developer with a VR headset on, navigating through the Unreal Engine interface.

Cross-platform App Developers

If you are baying for a consistent, efficient and seamless cross-platform development experience, look no further than Flutter. With its Dart language and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation, Flutter can paint your apps equally stunning on Android, iOS, Linux, Web, and more. Add to that, its large widget catalog adds flavors, while its boost in performance on iOS devices by ~50% gives you an edge.

Developer sitting at a desk with two monitors, using Flutter to develop a cross-platform app.

In conclusion, Unreal Engine is a shoo-in for in-depth 3D games and AR/VR development thanks to its advanced features and versatile platform support. On the other hand, Flutter is a bastion of cross-platform application development, offering consistent rendering and a wide palette of widgets on multiple platforms. Choose according to your exact need!

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.