When it comes to AR solutions, both ViewAR and Wikitude stand tall, each with its own merits. For advanced developers desiring customizable features, ViewAR with its extensive SDK and progressive indoor navigation capabilities, offers great scope. But, for those focusing on image and object recognition or location-based AR experiences, Wikitude’s robust SDK is an informed choice.

Comparing ViewAR and Wikitude

Crucial Differences Between ViewAR and Wikitude

  • Spatial data integration: ViewAR uses Matterport Model API, Wikitude relies on user’s position & direction.
  • Indoor navigation: ViewAR offers INDOAR, Wikitude does not have a direct equivalent.
  • Image and object recognition: A specialty of Wikitude, not the primary focus in ViewAR.
  • Hardware requirements: ViewAR works without any specific hardware, whereas, Wikitude is optimized for smart eyewear devices.
  • Customization flexibility: ViewAR’s SDK is designed for this, Wikitude focuses on robust AR functionalities.
  • 3D model rendering: Available in Wikitude SDK, not primary in ViewAR’s offering.
  • Partnerships: ViewAR collaborated with Matterport, Omnia; Wikitude is acquired by Qualcomm.
Comparison ViewAR Wikitude
Founded 2011 2008
Emerging Technology AR solutions with self-service portal/SDK Location-based AR experiences through World Browser App
Unique Products INDOAR for AR-guided tours SDK (Software Development Kit) for image recognition and tracking plus geolocation
Features Remote assistance, product visualization, indoor navigation/guidance, Industry 4.0 and IoT Image recognition & tracking, 3D model rendering, video overlay, location-based AR and SLAM
Partnerships Matterport, Omnia BeamYourScreen, Metaio
Applications Industrial AR suite for step-by-step instructions, OT data displayed on locations in digital twin, spatial data integration Identical and different objects tracking, position tracking with Object and Image Tracking
Achievements World’s largest indoor navigation system at the Vienna Technical Museum 2017 Best Developer Tool at Augmented World Expo
Support Multiplatform support, web-browser support, maximized customization flexibility for experienced developers Compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows OS
SDK Optimized for smart eyewear devices SDK 9.0 Expert Edition with multiple trackers, support for AR Foundation from Unity

What Is ViewAR and Who’s It For?

Founded in 2011, ViewAR is an Austrian technology powerhouse providing advanced AR solutions enhanced by a self-service portal and SDK for customization. ViewAR’s seminal offer is the INDOAR system, utilized extensively by the Vienna Technical Museum. The company is a go-to for businesses in diverse industries, providing optimized and immersive AR experiences that rejuvenate customer and employee experiences.

The dynamic ViewAR solutions offer industry 4.0, IoT, indoor navigation, and remote assistance. From step-by-step instructions to real-time AR positioning, their solutions are comprehensive, innovative, and flexible. Ideal for firms looking to streamline processes via digital transformation or seeking immersive experiences at physical venues, the ViewAR suite is a revolution in AR technology.

Colorful employee at a tech firm customizing ViewAR's SDK solution

Pros of ViewAR

  • Offers multiplatform and web-browser support
  • Optimized for industry 4.0 and IoT
  • Flexible customization for developers
  • High-quality AR-guided tours and navigation system
  • AR software supporting 3D product placement in real locations

Cons of ViewAR

  • Requires a learning curve for optimal usage
  • May be too advanced for some sectors
  • Catering mainly to large-scale systems, may be expensive for small businesses

What Is Wikitude and Who’s It For?

Wikitude, founded in 2008, is an Austrian technology firm primarily offering location-based AR experiences through its World Browser App. Acquired by Qualcomm in 2021, the company has evolved significantly, introducing a groundbreaking SDK that forms the foundation of image recognition, tracking, and geo-location.

Optimized for smart eyewear devices, Android, iOS, and Windows OS, the Wikitude service is versatile and robust. Businesses seeking to leverage AR for object recognition, tracking, or location-based services will find Wikitude an invaluable partner. Its compatibility with external native AR frameworks further makes it a robust solution for companies banking on AR technologies.

Colorful developer using Wikitude's SDK at a bustling tech firm

Pros of Wikitude

  • Diverse AR functionalities like image recognition, object tracking, and geolocation
  • High level of compatibility with smart eyewear devices and various OS
  • Facilitates complex AR experiences
  • Offers standalone usage or integration with other native AR frameworks

Cons of Wikitude

  • Depends on user’s location, direction, and motion sensor accuracy for object placement
  • Debate surrounding accuracy of its location-based AR
  • Might be complex for beginner-level users

The Verdict: ViewAR vs. Wikitude–the Showdown

The quest for supremacy between ViewAR and Wikitude boils down to specific needs and demands of various audience sectors. Let’s delve into this.


ViewAR, with its robust SDK, broad industry applicability and award-winning indoor navigation feature, emerges as a front-runner for seasoned players in the tech industry seeking diversified AR experiences.

Experienced tech industry professionals brainstorming, with laptop screens showing lines of code


Given the versatility of the tools and features offered by ViewAR including service AR and data visualization, developers focusing on remote assistance and digital assistance would find it marginally more suitable.

Developers working on augmented reality for remote and digital assistance


With its inclusion of cutting-edge features such as location-based AR, object and image tracking, and multi-object tracking, Wikitude provides a more superior platform for Game developers.

Game developers immersed in creating augmented reality experiences


Wikitude, being more established, user-friendly, and with an expansive array of AR features, clearly trumps ViewAR when it comes to AR/VR startups in search of a reliable AR technology to kickstart their ventures.

Start-up team planning and developing a new AR/VR application

Between ViewAR vs Wikitude, the former shines for diversified, indoor navigation and remote assistance applications, supported with a solid SDK. However, Wikitude excels in fulfilling complex, game-based scenarios with its matured, immense AR feature offerings and adapted tracking solutions.

Patrick Daugherty

Content writer @ Aircada. Merging AR expertise with a love for late-night gaming sessions.