When comparing WASM and Docker, WASM emerges as an ideal choice for performance-intensive web development tasks including VR, AR, and image/video editing, allowing for near-native execution speed. Conversely, Docker’s container technology optimizes application deployment and infrastructure management, making it suitable for creating and managing environments for software delivery.

WASM and Docker compared

Key Differences Between WASM and Docker

  • Usage: WASM enhances web performance and capabilities, Docker optimizes software deployment and infrastructure management.
  • Performance: WASM executes multiple languages at near-native speed, Docker containers are lightweight with fast setup.
  • Security: WASM focuses on reducing vulnerabilities, Docker builds secure, containerized environments.
  • Applications: WASM’s applications include AR/VR and web apps, Docker is used in software delivery across various environments.
  • Compatibility: WASM is universally compatible with major browsers, Docker creates a consistent environment across platforms.
  • Evolution: WASM positions itself as future of web apps, Docker contributed to container technology standardization.
Comparison WebAssembly (WASM) Docker
Initial Release Year 2017 2013
Standardization W3C in 2019 Industry standard
Performance Enhances website performance and capabilities extensively Containers have smaller resource footprint, faster setup
Use Cases Video editing, 3D games, VR/AR, P2P services, scientific simulations Application delivery in both Linux and Windows-based environments
Design Low-level binary format, executes at near-native speed on web Packages Codec, runtime, system tools, libraries, settings into standardized software units
Security Better memory management reduces vulnerability attack surface Security performance enhanced by container technology, supported by new runtime engines
Interoperability Can run code written in C, C++, Rust, Python, Go on web Portable workloads across mixed environments (e.g., physical/virtual machines, data centers, and cloud providers)
Contributing Community Limited info available Over 1500 contributors to Kubernetes project
Potential Implies becoming universal standard for app development Continued evolution in security, resource management

What Is WebAssembly and Who’s It For?

WebAssembly (WASM) is a ground-breaking technology introduced in 2017 and subsequently became a W3C standard in 2019. It’s a primal force, pushing the boundaries of web performance and capacities to uncharted territories. WebAssembly makes its mark by running code written in a plethora of languages on the web at near-native speed, a feat previously unattainable. This makes it an excellent choice for developers who often face performance challenges when dealing with intense uses such as virtual reality and augmented reality applications.

Colorful binary code running in web browser window

Pros of WebAssembly

  • Promotes high performance and efficiency
  • Stimulates improved security with better memory safety
  • Suits a wide array of applications, including video editing, VR/AR, and P2P services

Cons of WebAssembly

  • Relative complexity compared to JavaScript
  • Limited set of instructions may stall some operations

What Is Docker and Who’s It For?

Docker, released in 2013, is an influential technology company chiefly recognized for its development of Docker Engine and pioneering innovations in container technology. It packages codec, runtime, system tools, libraries, settings into standardized software units that are deployable across various computing environments. Regarded as a paradigm for modern software infrastructure, Docker is integral for developers looking to bolster efficiency, security, and manageability of applications through containerized software.

Colorful docker containers data center

Pros of Docker

  • Enhances software delivery speed
  • Allows for portable workloads, practical even across mixed environments
  • Reduces server and licensing costs

Cons of Docker

  • Requires precise configuration for optimal performance
  • Newer runtime engines gradually replacing Docker’s runtime engine

WebAssembly (WASM) vs Docker: Pricing

WASM and Docker are technologies that do not inherently involve costs, based on the provided information; however, since they can be utilized in various configurations, implementations, and computing environments, the actual costs may vary significantly contingent upon the specific use case.

WebAssembly (WASM)

WASM is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, integrated natively into web browsers. The technology itself does not come with costs, but internet usage, development effort, hosting, and potential server/serverless costs based on its use within various applications and services can be factors influencing the overall expense.


Docker is a pioneering technology in containerization, enhancing applications’ portability across different computing environments. As an open-source technology, Docker itself is free. However, costs may arise from the use of further infrastructure, support services, data center usage, or cloud services where Docker containers are deployed.

WASM & Docker Code Snippets
WASM (WebAssembly)

This simple example facilitates an arithmetic operation written in Rust, compiled to WebAssembly. Ensure you use the “wasm-pack build” command in your working directory to generate the WASM file.

pub extern "C" fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b

The subsequent Dockerfile details a simple Python 3.8 Flask application using Alpine as the base image. Note: You need Docker installed for execution. Build your Docker image using “docker build -t my_flask_app .”, and run it with “docker run -d -p 80:5000 my_flask_app”.

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.8-alpine

# Set the working directory in the container to /app

# Copy the requirements.txt to the container
ADD requirements.txt /app/

# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Make port 5000 available to the world outside this container

# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
ADD . /app

# Run app.py when the container launches
CMD ["python", "app.py"]

The Final Verdict: WebAssembly or Docker?

Two pathbreaking technologies. One decision. We delve into WebAssembly and Docker, guiding you towards an informed choice that amplifies performance and productivity.

AR/VR Game Builders

WebAssembly is your pick. Transforming intensive use cases into seamless experiences, WASM is integral for AR/VR, resulting in fairly-brought-to-life gaming realms. Significant performance gains, near-native execution speed, and the ability to run varied-language code in-browser stand out.

AR/VR game designer at a dual-screen workspace, immersed in crafting a detailed virtual landscape

Mobile and Edge-Based Developers

WebAssembly again deleges ahead for those eyeing sophisticated mobile and edge-based solutions. WASM exhibits impressive memory management, features a limited instruction set, and ensures efficient binary execution, thus improving the security landscape and device performance.

A developer interacting with a mobile, deploying an edge-based application running on WebAssembly

Serverless and Microservice Engineers

Docker’s containerization prowess emerges superior. Docker’s function lies in creating standardized software units – that reliably run across diverse environments. Serverless adaptations or hybrid microservices are conquered territories, with Docker simplifying implementation intricacies and accelerating software delivery.

Engineer optimizing serverless architecture, using Docker on the computer screen

Data Center Operators and Cloud Services Providers

Docker is the dynamic choice for comprehensive lifecycle management of containers. Its superlative repertoire with a user-friendly GUI enhances resource management, efficiency, and reduces overhead, making Docker an undeniable frontrunner for complex data center vendors and cloud services providers.

Data center operator managing several cloud services through Docker interface

WebAssembly and Docker emerge as formidable advances in modern software infrastructure. However, WASM is the go-to for intensive, browser-based applications aiming for near-native speed, while Docker leads the charge for serverless environments, container management, and unified cloud solutions.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.