If speed is your game, WebAssembly (WASM) takes the cake – it’s tailored for heavyweight tasks, such as 3D gaming and VR, thanks to its near-native performance. When it comes to UI development, however, ReactJS shines – providing an intuitive, component-based environment ideal for interactive web and mobile applications.

Comparison of WASM and ReactJS

Key Differences Between WebAssembly and ReactJS

  • Performance: WASM offers near-native speed, ideal for performance-driven applications. ReactJS leverages the Virtual DOM for optimized UI updates.
  • Purpose: WASM excels for VR, AR, 3D gaming, complex apps. ReactJS is built for interactive, dynamic UI/UX design.
  • Language Compatibility: WASM supports multiple languages (C, C++, Rust, Go). ReactJS is a JavaScript library.
  • Memory Management: WASM provides better memory safety and management, while ReactJS leverages one-way data binding.
Comparison WebAssembly (WASM) ReactJS
Foundation and Standardization Established in 2017, W3C standard by 2019. Created in 2011 by Jordan Walke of Facebook.
Support Supported by all major browsers. Supported and maintained by Facebook.
Applications Video editing, 3D games, VR/AR, P2P, Simulations. UI/UX design for web and mobile applications.
Performance and Capabilities Enhances website performance significantly. Lightweight virtual DOM for optimizing updates and performance.
Language Compatibility C, C++, Rust, Python, Go. JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension).
Security Reduces vulnerability attack surface, better memory safety. Data flows from parent to child components, properties can’t return data to parent but can request for data modification.
Encoding .wasm format: low-level binary instructions executable at near-native speed, packaged in modules for browser use. JSX translates code into JavaScript code through Babel compiler, simplifying coding and debugging process.
Usage and Deployment Web apps, serverless environments, alongside JavaScript, multicloud environments, and more. SEO-friendly web applications with server-side rendering, mobile app development, and data-driven applications.
Community Significant usage and implementation experience. Supported by large community, including major corporations like Netflix and Instagram.

What Is WebAssembly and Who’s It For?

WebAssembly (WASM), initiated in 2017 and adopted by W3C as a standard in 2019, is a low-level binary format designed to elevate website performance immensely. Supported universally by all major web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and WebKit, WASM allows running code written in multiple languages on the web at near-native speed. This technology is aimed at web developers and programmers working on applications with heavy performance requirements like VR, AR, video editing, and 3D gaming.

WebAssembly is an essential resource for those viewing serverless technology as a potential solution. The framework offers the possibility of building complete apps, mitigating programming language limitations with its multi-lingual compatibility. Adopting WASM implies embracing efficiency, high-speed, portability, and security in your web development journey.

Colorful depiction of a developer working at a tech hub

Pros of WebAssembly

  • Enhances website performance and capabilities
  • Provides major performance gains and new features exclusive to WASM
  • Can compile the original code to WASM binary to run inside browsers
  • In-browser usage can include running C, C++, Rust, Python, and Go
  • Potential to streamline the coding process through shared libraries

Cons of WebAssembly

  • Being a relatively low-level language, may demand higher technical expertise
  • Does not replace JavaScript but rather works alongside it
  • Binary format might be more complex to debug compared to text-based languages

What Is ReactJS and Who’s It For?

ReactJS, born in 2011 from the labs of Facebook, is a JavaScript library designed to build dynamic, interactive, and user-friendly web and mobile applications. Known for its component-based front-end library and blend of HTML and JavaScript synergy known as JSX, ReactJS simplifies coding and boosts the performance of web applications. It is tailor-made for developers aiming to craft superior UI/UX designs and deliver efficient web and mobile apps.

This technology brings to light feature-rich attributes like the Virtual DOM, one-way data binding, and support for conditional statements, making it a favorable option for web developers. Today, ReactJS has permeated multiple industries with its presence, gaining adoption by giants such as Netflix and Instagram.

Colorful view of a software engineer coding in a modern workplace

Pros of ReactJS

  • Blend of HTML and JavaScript via JSX for simplified coding
  • Maintains an optimized version of the real DOM for improved performance
  • Component-based structure for clean and efficient programming
  • Supported by a strong community, backed by Facebook

Cons of ReactJS

  • Poor documentation can pose challenges
  • Fast pace of development could be overwhelming to some
  • Complexity increases with large-scale applications

Code Examples for WASM & ReactJS


Here is a WASM (WebAssembly) example that calculates the Fibonacci sequence. This computation-intensive task can be performed much faster in WASM than in JavaScript. This code snippet is written in Rust and compiled to WASM. Therefore, it is required to have Rust and wasm-pack installed on your computer for an optimal run.

    pub extern fn fib(n: i32) -> i32 {
      match n {
          0 => 0,
          1 => 1,
          _ => fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2),


Open your React thought process to an immersive reality. This ReactJS example creates a virtual domino effect: dominoes created and tipped over by a mouse click. It uses the popular three.js library wrapped inside react-three-fiber. Make sure to install react-three-fiber via npm before running this code.

        import React, {useRef} from 'react'
    import {Canvas, useFrame, useThree} from 'react-three-fiber'
    const Domino = () => {
      const mesh = useRef()
      useFrame(() => {
         mesh.current.rotation.x = mesh.current.rotation.y += 0.01
      return (
        <mesh ref={mesh}>
          <boxBufferGeometry attach='geometry' args={[0.1, 1, 0.5]} />
          <meshStandardMaterial attach='material' color='orange' opacity={1} transparent />
    const Scene = () => {
      return (
          <ambientLight />
          <pointLight position={[10, 10, 10]} />
          <Domino position={[-1.2, 0, 0]} />
    export default Scene

WASM or ReactJS: The Final Verdict

Comparing WASM and ReactJS is a crucial undertaking for tech experts and developers. Let’s dissect their features for different audience types.

High Performance Seekers

For those craving higher performance and broader language compatibility, WASM leads the pack. Its features ensure major performance gains, multi-language support, and efficient memory management. Ideal codes optimised include video editing, AR/VR, and scientific simulations.

A developer using WASM for high-performance tasks

UI/UX Designers

UI/UX designers would gravitate towards ReactJS. Its inherent specialization in UI design, interactive application features, compatibility with Javascript, and simplification of coding processes make it the go-to choice.

UI/UX designer constructing an interface with ReactJS

Mobile App Developers

Mobile app developers find React Native, an extension of ReactJS, an engaging choice due to its component basis, reliable performance, and ability to build mobile apps along with web applications.

A mobile app developer coding with ReactJS

High-security Enthusiasts

WASM takes the cake for those focusing on stronger application security. It boasts advanced features like better memory safety, sandboxing the environment, and reducing vulnerability attack surface.

A professional enhancing application security using WASM

In the end, while ReactJS affords compelling UI/UX design and mobile app development, WASM’s upper hand lies in exceptional performance, multi-language support, and bolstered security. Efficiency seekers or security-savvy users would favour WASM, whereas UI/UX designers and mobile developers are better off with ReactJS.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.