Choosing between and 8th Wall, boils down to your development proficiency and feature needs., with its accessible JS libraries, is a go-to for lightweight solutions. 8th Wall, however, offers a more robust suite of tools for complex, interactive experiences.

Differences of and 8th Wall

Key Differences Between and 8th Wall

  • provides independent, lightweight JS libraries for AR, while 8th Wall uses a comprehensive tech stack.
  • requires no app download for user adoption, whereas 8th Wall’s experiences run on 5 billion smartphones.
  • offers affordable license fees; 8th Wall’s commercial license exceeds 2000 USD per month.
  • utilizes THREE.js for 3D rendering, while 8th Wall leverages standards-compliant JavaScript, WebGL.
  • 8th Wall is backed by Niantic, is equipped with a cloud-based IDE, and offers multiple AR features including SLAM.
Comparison 8th Wall
Technology JavaScript libraries for real-time computer vision on web browsers AR developer platform and computer vision technology stack
Dependencies Independent, not reliant on mainstream deep learning frameworks or libraries Standards-compliant JavaScript, WebGL
Products hand, image, face, object tracking solutions AR Engine, Cloud Editor, SLAM system, Image Target Tracking, Face Effects, Lightship VPS
Availability Available on major browsers and newer, powerful devices; requires internet connection Available on iOS, Android, computers, AR/VR headsets
Application Marketing, interactive experiences Retail, gaming, education, interactive experiences
Development Experience Required Knowledge of THREE.js for 3D rendering Knowledge of JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5
Target Audience Reach High reach due to No app download required High reach – 5 billion smartphones across iOS, Android, computers, AR/VR headsets
Cost Effectiveness Affordable license fees Higher cost for commercial license exceeding 2000 USD per month
User Experience Offline usage not available, requires a headset for WebVR No app required, SLAM engine for accurate and precise experiences
Unique Features Seamless running across multiple browsers & devices Hand tracking, sky effects, AR Code for accessing AR content, world tracking for immersive AR experiences

What Is and Who’s It For? is a high-powered developer of JavaScript libraries used for real-time computer vision on web browsers. Specializing in lightweight, independent software, it comes as an affordable alternative in the realm of AR/VR tech sans dependencies on mainstream deep learning frameworks. The company’s products, namely,,, and are designed primarily for users and developers looking for end-to-end solutions in AR/VR content creation and tracking without the hassle of downloading separate applications.

Colorful image of a tech professional utilizing technology in a cutting-edge laboratory

Pros of

  • Provides a collection of solutions for different AR needs
  • Optimized for major browsers and powerful devices
  • Boosts ROI through wider impact and increased reach
  • Offers open source WebAR frameworks

Cons of

  • Requires internet connection, no offline availability
  • WebVR requires a headset for complete user experience
  • Limited functionality with older, less powerful devices

What Is 8th Wall and Who’s It For?

Headquartered in Palo Alto, 8th Wall pioneers democratizing AR technology by offering an award-winning developer platform and computer vision tech, specifically designed for interactive web-based AR (WebAR). Whether you’re a newbie or an established brand aiming to leverage AR for a seamless user experience, 8th Wall’s feature-rich AR Engine and the intuitive Cloud Editor bring life to AR/VR experiences accessible on any smartphone—no app required.

Colorful picture of a youthful entrepreneur utilizing the mission-driven 8th Wall's platform at a modern workspace

Pros of 8th Wall

  • Offers an expansive set of tools and features for AR development
  • Compatible with major platforms including iOS, Android, and AR/VR headsets
  • Provides an integrated development environment for WebAR and WebVR development
  • Empowers developers with wall-breaking technologies such as SLAM system, Surface Estimation, Lightship VPS, and Face Effects

Cons of 8th Wall

  • Requires understanding web technologies like JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5 for creating AR experiences
  • Commercial license cost is high for budget-restricted users
  • Relies solely on webAR technology, may not appeal to users seeking AR headset experiences
  • Requires constant and sound internet connectivity vs 8th Wall: Pricing provides affordable licensing fees, while 8th Wall presents a more costly commercial license exceeding 2000 USD per month. operates on affordable license fees that maintain its accessibility without sacrificing its reliable tech and wide impact reach. Its value is amplified by its compatibility with major browsers and newer, powerful devices that ensure seamless, top-tier AR experiences for users.

8th Wall

8th Wall, on the other hand, while offering a series of sophisticated, developer-focused tools for AR experiences, operates on a higher pricing plane with commercial licenses exceeding 2000 USD per month. The high price point is justified by its technologically advanced features such as AR Code and offerings that provide a comprehensive solution from development to distribution of AR content.

WebAR.Rocks or 8th Wall: The Battle of AR Titans

Now we’ve filtered essential characteristics of and 8th Wall, let’s delve into the results and gauge which prevails, for whom, and why.

For Indie Developers and Startups

When cost-efficiency meets quality, secures the win. Its affordability, complemented by a wide range of products and lightweight, non-dependable software outclasses many. It is optimum for budding developers aiming for a seamless, app-less AR experience on major web browsers.Verdict:

Indie developer contemplating the code, pensive look under the sea of codes reflected from spectacles.

For AR Industry Veterans

8th Wall stands tall here. Entrepreurs, and AR industry veterans would find the robust tools, comprehensive developer-focused features, and high accuracy of 8th Wall worth their investment. The real-world interactive experiences like hand-tracking, face effects, sky effects, and World Tracking make 8th Wall the undeniable king.Verdict: 8th Wall.

Seasoned AR developer engrossed in creating a web-based augmented reality experience.

For Brands and Marketers secures the lead for marketers banking on user adoption rate. The easy accessibility without app download, compatibility across multiple browsers and devices give it an edge over its competitor when it comes to reach and impact.Verdict:

Confident marketer appreciating the statistics of his successful WebAR campaign.

For Trendsetters in the Retail Sector

Pioneering the AR integration in retail, 8th Wall outclasses with features like SLAM, hand, and iris tracking. It’s your go-to if your brand pivots on augmented human interactivity, making it a game-changer for sectors like fashion and hospitality.Verdict: 8th Wall.

Fashion forward retailer demonstrating AR-enabled accessory trial to a customer.

In the fast-evolving AR trench, the affordable yet effective suits indie developers and savvy marketers, while 8th Wall, despite a heftier price tag, empowers advanced developers, brands eyeing an edge with precision, and real-world interactivity.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.