For web-based 3D applications, choose WebGL; more compatible, flexible, and easy due to automatic memory management with JavaScript. Opt for OpenGL in desktop domains like video games and CAD, offering powerful low-level capabilities, but requiring skills in C++ and mathematics.

Differences of WebGL and OpenGL

Key Differences Between WebGL and OpenGL

  • Language: WebGL links to ECMAScript via HTML5 Canvas; OpenGL uses C++.
  • Hardware Acceleration: Both provide GPU acceleration. WebGL is browser-based; OpenGL needs standalone softwareinstallation.
  • Integration: WebGL integrates with browser’s DOM. OpenGL is standalone, with no direct browser integration.
  • Device Compatibility: WebGL shines on web and mobile platforms. OpenGL targets desktop domains like CAD and Video Games.
Comparison WebGL OpenGL
Origins Developed by Vladimir Vukicevic and Kronos Group since 2011. Based on OpenGL ES standards and ECMAScript. Developed by Silicon Graphics in 1992. Initially based on proprietary IRIS GL.
Maintenance Managed by WebGL Working Group, composed of major browser vendors. Managed by Khronos Group, consisting of over 150 leading hardware & software companies.
API Level Low-Level API for 3D graphics, directly integrated into browsers without plugins. Low-Level API for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics.
Functionalities 3D rendering using GPU acceleration, native GLSL support, DOM interface integration. 3D rendering and modelling library. Utilizes extensive math (linear algebra, geometry, trigonometry).
Platforms Web-based, works on major internet browsers and supported by mobile browsers. Multiplatform, widely used in video games, CAD, scientific applications.
Language ECMAScript, linked to HTML5 Canvas Primarily C++
Programming Convenience JavaScript automatic memory management, open source, runs without JVM. Requires prerequisite knowledge of C++. API versions provide more advanced, hardware-specific features.
Successor Vulkan, a low-level API developed from components of AMD’s Mantle. Managed by Vulkan Portability group. Vulkan API, unifies OpenGL and OpenGL ES into one common API.

What Is WebGL and Who’s It For?

WebGL is a powerful API that brings 3D graphics directly to the web, embedding them into browsers sans any need for plug-ins. With its roots in OpenGL ES, WebGL has been engineered for cross-platform compatibility, achieving GPU acceleration in 3D graphics and featuring native GLSL support. Developed in 2011 by the Khronos Group, WebGL’s versatility has won it mainstream acceptance among major browser vendors such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla.

WebGL’s audience is broad, involving developers who aim to build rich, interactive 3D graphics for web applications. Its compatibility with mobile web standards, integration with HTML documents, and ease of use with JavaScript make it particularly favourable among developers aiming to secure consistency across platforms. WebGL’s design also encourages interactivity with other HTML document elements, fostering creativity and flexibility in web development.

Colorful diagram of WebGL structure, set against a dark tech lab background

Pros of WebGL

  • Provides cross-platform compatibility
  • Facilitates GPU accelerator for 3D graphics
  • Browser integration eliminates the need for plug-ins
  • Compatible with major web and mobile browsers
  • Allows interaction with other HTML document elements

Cons of WebGL

  • Runs relatively slower due to use of OpenGL
  • Dependent on platform characteristics
  • Lacks DirectX’s comprehensibility

What Is OpenGL and Who’s It For?

Born from Silicon Graphics’ proprietary IRIS GL, OpenGL entered the scene in 1992 as a potent, low-level rendering and modelling software library. Managed by the Khronos Group, OpenGL’s purpose? To spearhead hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, particularly in realms like video games, CAD, and scientific applications. The software library has seen substantial use in commercial games such as ID Software’s Quake series, underlining its durability and capacity for high-performance graphics.

OpenGL targets developers with a command of the C++ programming language and in-depth knowledge of mathematical subjects like linear algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. It’s indispensable for those working on graphics-intense applications such as video games, CAD models, and scientific simulations where control over graphics hardware is crucial. Even though its successor, Vulkan API, has merged OpenGL with OpenGL ES, OpenGL remains a valuableresource for understanding the latter.

Colorful visualization of OpenGL rendering process in a computer lab

Pros of OpenGL

  • Engineered for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics
  • Widely adopted in gaming and scientific applications
  • Consistent updates granting advanced hardware-specific features
  • Maintains relevance despite arrival of succeeding APIs, like Vulkan

Cons of OpenGL

  • Requires advanced knowledge in C++ and mathematics
  • Newer versions may lack backward compatibility
  • Vulkan API may overshadow OpenGL in modern developments

Code Examples for WebGL & OpenGL


Here’s a cool WebGL example of a randomly colored, rotating square. It involves understanding specific concepts, particularly how we utilize the HTML canvas, JavaScript, and shaders to create dynamic graphics. Be sure to have set browser settings to enable WebGL.

var canvas = document.getElementById('webgl-canvas');
var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl');

var vertexData = [
    // X, Y,       
    -1.0, -1.0,    
    1.0, -1.0,  
   -1.0, 1.0,   
    -1.0, 1.0,    
    1.0, -1.0,    
    1.0, 1.0,  

var colorData = [
    // R, G, B
    Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(),
    Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(),
    Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(),
    Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(),
    Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(),
    Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(),

// More WebGL setup
// ... code

function animate() {

    // update uniforms for each render

    // draw
    gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, vertexData.length / 2);



This OpenGL code will render a simple animated triangle, rendering the frame in a loop. Make sure you have the OpenGL library and its dependencies installed correctly, as well as the GLFW library to handle window creation.

#include <glfw glfw3.h="">

int main(void)
        return -1;

    GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "My OpenGL Window", NULL, NULL);
    if (!window)
        return -1;

        glVertex2f(-0.5f, -0.5f);
        glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.5f);
        glVertex2f(0.5f, -0.5f);

    return 0;

The Final Verdict on WebGL vs OpenGL

With a seasoned understanding of WebGL and OpenGL, it’s time to break down the champion per use-case. Let’s delve into the showdown.

Web Developers

WebGL is an undisputed choice for web developers. Running seamlessly on the Web without plugins, it proves invaluable. Integrated directly into browsers, it’s easy to develop with thanks to JavaScript automatic memory management, and requires no compilation.

Web developer surveying lines of code within a browser supported by WebGL

Game Developers

For game developers looking to create top-tier, immersive experiences, they should be siding with OpenGL. Despite its steep learning curve and math prerequisites, OpenGL’s robust, low-level rendering capacity and support for advanced features make it a game-changer.

Game developer sculpting a virtual world with the power of OpenGL

AR/VR Creators

AR/VR creators, swimming in the rapid currents of technology should bet on OpenGL. Why? It was designed with AR and VR in mind, sporting powerful hardware-accelerated 3D graphics capabilities, making it the key to create convincing simulations.

AR/VR developer implementing cutting-edge technologies harnessing OpenGL's tools

Mobile Developers

If you’re a mobile developer, steer towards WebGL. With web standard, its cross-platform compatibility and smooth operations on iOS Safari, Android Browser, and Chrome for Android make it the superior choice.

Mobile developer coding in WebGL for a cross-platform application

Multi-Media Designers

Carol for WebGL if you’re developing interactive 3D designs. Conveniently open-source, WebGL offers an authentic embrace to browser-based rendering with 3D hardware acceleration. Let the designs speak for themselves.

Multi-media designer fostering creativity with WebGL

In conclusion, for freedom on the web and cross-platform conveniences, opt for WebGL. For intense, complex 3D graphics requirements, particularly in game building and AR/VR demands, shoulder OpenGL.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.