WebGL stands as a robust choice for developers ingrained with its API and offers compatibility across platforms. However, for those pushing boundaries in graphics and machine workloads, WebGPU promises new capabilities, efficient hardware interfacing, and superior performance, making it the future of web graphics APIs.

WebGL vs WebGPU

Key Differences Between WebGL and WebGPU:

  • WebGL leverages OpenGL ES, which can be slower compared to DirectX, while WebGPU is built on Vulkan’s standardized API promising better performance and CPU/GPU balance.
  • WebGL is an established and widely supported technology. WebGPU, however, is newer and still in early stages of development with its full extent of capabilities yet to be unveiled.
  • WebGL’s API provides cross-platform compatibility and developer-friendly perks like JavaScript automatic memory management; WebGPU reduces JavaScript call overhead and handles resource synchronization automatically.
  • WebGL primarily serves 3D graphics on browsers. WebGPU opens new possibilities, enabling complex visual effects and machine learning computations that were impractical before.
Comparison WebGL WebGPU
API Type Low-level 3D Graphics API Modern Graphics and Machine Workloads API
Release Year 2011 Under Development Since 2017
Integration Directly integrated into browsers Designed to efficiently interface with modern GPU hardware
Developer Support Ease of JavaScript automatic memory management and no compilation need Reduced overhead of making too many JavaScript calls, minimal boilerplate code
Graphics Support Supports 3D Graphics Enables complex visual effects, supporting machine learning computations
Supported By Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, Intel
Compatibility Cross-platform compatibility Optimized for modern hardware, planned for multi-platform compatibility
Performance Relatively slower, quality issues with OpenGL Potential high performance, balanced CPU/GPU usage
Access to GPUs Enables internet browsers access to GPUs on used computers Efficiently interfaces with modern GPU hardware
Usage Scope Web standard for mobile, used for online interactive 3D graphics Porting algorithms on GPU, machine learning computations, complex visual effects

What Is WebGL and Who’s It For?

WebGL is a powerful low-level 3D graphics API, connected to ECMAScript via HTML5 Canvas and built on OpenGL ES. Emerging from the demise of Flash, WebGL became the preferred technology for online, interactive 3D graphics. It’s tailored for developers seeking cross-platform compatibility and GPU 3D acceleration without additional plugins. However, it bears limited comprehensibility due to its reliance on slower running OpenGL, unlike DirectX.

Colorful scene of a developer working on a 3D graphics project in a high-tech lab

Pros of WebGL

  • Direct browser integration eliminating need for plugins
  • Backed by major browser vendors including Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla
  • Offers cross-platform compatibility and native GLSL support
  • WebKit’s open source nature allows for modification and customization by users
  • Enabled direct interaction with other HTML Document elements

Cons of WebGL

  • Relatively slower, due to its usage of OpenGL
  • Lacks comprehensibility when compared with DirectX
  • Actual run-tech varies based on the platform
  • OpenGL’s quality issues lead to game preferences for Windows-targeted D3D10+

What Is WebGPU and Who’s It For?

WebGPU is a cutting-edge API developed for graphics and machine workloads. Born out of the shortcomings of WebGL, this technology reflects modern GPU hardware functionalities and expands programming possibilities. Its debut marks a significant advancement bringing the features of DirectX 12, Metal, and Vulkan to the web. It’s geared towards developers seeking complex visual effects, computational optimizations, and machine learning computations via the GPU on the web.

Colorful illustration of a software engineer programming complex visual effects using WebGPU in a contemporary office

Pros of WebGPU

  • Represents modern GPU hardware functionalities
  • Reduces overhead of excessive JavaScript calls
  • Manages resource synchronization automatically
  • Unlocks high-performance capabilities if used correctly
  • Offers compute shaders for flexible programming and handling of computational resources

Cons of WebGPU

  • Still in early stages of development
  • Full deployment on all platforms yet to be achieved
  • Successor to WebGL but currently disabled by default
  • Implementation of feature improvements still under design at W3C

Code Examples for WebGL & WebGPU

WebGL: Interactive Color Spectrum Cube

In this WebGL snippet, we use vertex shaders and fragment shaders to create an interactive color spectrum cube. This function will not work without a compatible WebGL renderer, such as three.js.

    var cubeGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1);
    var vertexShader = `
        varying vec3 vUv; 
        void main() {
            vUv = position; 
            gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position,1.0);
    var fragmentShader = `
        varying vec3 vUv;
        void main() {
            gl_FragColor = vec4(vUv, 1.);
    var cubeMaterial = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
        vertexShader: vertexShader,
        fragmentShader: fragmentShader,
    var cube = new THREE.Mesh(cubeGeometry, cubeMaterial);

WebGPU: Basic Compute Shader

This WebGPU snippet launches a basic compute shader that sets every element of a buffer to the same value. It requires a WebGPU compatible browser and must be served from a secure context.

    const gpu = navigator.gpu;
    const context = canvas.getContext('gpupresent');
    const adapter = await gpu.requestAdapter();
    const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
    var shaderModuleDescriptor = {
        code: `
            [[block]] struct Data {
              value: u32;
            [[binding(0), group(0)]] var<storage_buffer> buffer: Array<Data>;
            [[stage(compute), workgroup_size(1)]] fn main([[builtin(global_invocation_id)]] id: vec3<u32>) {
              buffer[id.x].value = 1234;
    var shaderModule = device.createShaderModule(shaderModuleDescriptor);

The Final Verdict: WebGL vs WebGPU

In the thrilling battle of browser-based 3D graphics, WebGL and WebGPU present themselves as worthy contenders. But which reigns supreme? Who should put their chips on which technology? Let’s dig in.

Developers in Web-based Gaming

For web-based game developers, WebGPU, with its roots in Vulkan, takes the cake. In an ecosystem where every frame per second counts and computational complexity balloons, WebGPU’s better performance and balanced CPU/GPU usage not only optimizes your code but your players’ experiences too. WebGPU’s continued development and promised feature improvements also hint at a future-proof tech bet.

A focused game developer, working on advanced code in a workspace filled with multiple screens displaying 3D graphics.

AR/VR Content Creators

AR/VR content creators, lean towards WebGL. With tried and true support for AR/VR content, WebGL comes off as reliable in a field where reliability is crucial. The seamless integration with HTML5, native GLSL support, and cross-platform compatibility not only promise ease of development but also the breadth of user reach. However, keep an eye on WebGPU’s upcoming enhancements in these areas.

AAnimator working on 3D models for virtual reality game, creating AR/VR content on computer.

Machine Learning Enthusiasts

Machine learning enthusiasts should hitch their wagon to WebGPU. Bursting with benefits such as lower CPU usage and more efficient interfacing with modern GPU hardware, WebGPU boldly wades into the uncharted. Porting complex algorithms on the GPU could get a face-lift with WebGPU’s compute shader, unlocking amazing ML algorithm performance.

Machine learning enthusiast working on a complex neural network model, using GPU for accelerated computations.

With WebGL’s cross-platform compatibility and easy-of-use pitted against WebGPU’s modern, high-performance promise, our verdict is this – WebGL remains the steady choice for web-based graphics; WebGPU, although a fledgling, shows significant promise especially for number-crunching machine learning algorithms and complex gaming applications.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.