For accelerated web applications, WebGPU excels with its modernized API, browser-based compatibility and resource management. However, for superior parallel computations and manipulating an extensively large data on NVIDIA hardware, CUDA emerges as the go-to technology.


Key Differences Between WebGPU and CUDA

  • WebGPU is browser-based, improving the range of programming possibilities. CUDA, however, excels in stand-alone GPU programming.
  • CUDA is exclusive to NVIDIA hardware, whereas WebGPU is developed through a collaboration of tech giants including Apple and Google.
  • WebGPU structure reduces excess JavaScript calls and handles resource synchronization challenges seamlessly. CUDA has an organized thread structure enhancing its calculations.
  • CUDA provides a potential speed-up of 30-100x compared to microprocessors, while WebGPU offers balanced CPU/GPU usage.
  • WebGPU is still in early developmental phase with proposed added features whereas CUDA is a mature framework, used across a diverse range of applications.
Comparison WebGPU CUDA
Development Joint initiative by Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, and Intel Developed by Nvidia
Application Graphics and machine workloads, Optimized for web-based applications GPU programming, Parallel computing for C/C++
Resource Management Overcomes challenges with automated synchronization, Reduces overhead of JavaScript calls Allows thousands of threads per application, Functionality includes data transfer between CPU and GPU
Capabilities Modern API reflecting GPU functionalities, Enables complex visual effects and machine learning computations Parallel computations delivered at increased speed, Potential for 30-100x speed-up over microprocessors
Portability Available in ChromeOS, macOS, and Windows; Android and Linux in progress Hardware-specific, dedicated to NVIDIA graphic cards
Advancements Built on Vulkan, Reduces CPU/GPU usage, Offers better performance than WebGL Supports multiple parallel calculations, Offers higher performance and lower CPU usage
Usage and Benefits Potential preferred choice for developers, mobile game studios due to safety, performance, and portability features Accelerates computations in various sectors including finance, modeling, data science, deep learning, and more

What Is WebGPU and Who’s It For?

WebGPU is a new API intended to modernize graphics and high-performance computations on the web. It was birthed from an alliance involving the tech giants Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, and Intel to mitigate the limitations of WebGL, a seven-year-old browser-based GPU API. With a development journey dating back to 2017, this advanced API mark mirrors the functionalities of modern GPU hardware. Furthermore, WebGPU unlocks the potential of an impressive spectrum of algorithms to be ported on the GPU, granting a performance scale previously impossible.

The beauty of WebGPU extends towards its suitability for multiple user categories. From developers seeking an efficient GPU command interface to mobile game studios craving performance-optimized graphics, WebGPU offers an attractive proposition. This tool is also the go-to choice for machine learning computations due to its computational resource management prowess.

Colorful developers brainstorming in a tech laboratory

Pros of WebGPU

  • Advancements of modern APIs on the web
  • Addresses WebGL limitations
  • Useful for machine learning computations
  • Handles resource synchronization challenges automatically
  • Reduced JavaScript call overhead

Cons of WebGPU

  • Still in early stages of development
  • Closely tied to Vulkan’s standardized API
  • Disabled by default as the successor to WebGL

What Is CUDA and Who’s It For?

Enter CUDA. An acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture, CUDA is a parallel computing platform and API model conceived by Nvidia. It’s essentially an extension of the C/C++ programming language crafted specifically for GPU programming. With CUDA, parallel computations now execute at a blistering pace. A game changer for computational efficiency, mirroring the capability of over 100 million deployed GPUs, with a potential for up to 100x speed-up compared to microprocessors.

CUDA is built for those who demand massive computational power. From data science and analytics to deep learning application developers, CUDA’s potential opens up endless possibilities. Additionally, sectors like defense, manufacturing, medical imaging and more can leverage CUDA’s power for their calculation-intensive applications.

Colorful programmers analyzing CUDA operations in a server room

Pros of CUDA

  • Boosts parallel computations speed
  • Supports many parallel calculations
  • Integrated memory and virtual memory
  • Performance boost on downloads and reading

Cons of CUDA

  • Unilateral interoperability
  • Support limited to Nvidia hardware
  • Doesn’t support older versions

WebGPU vs CUDA: Pricing

WebGPU, as a free Open Web Platform feature, is supported by various big tech companies, while CUDA, developed by Nvidia, doesn’t have explicit pricing, but it mandates Nvidia hardware resulting in indirect costs.


WebGPU is a cutting-edge, open-standard API developed in collaboration by renowned tech firms including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and Intel. There is no direct cost associated with using WebGPU as it’s made available as a part of the Open Web Platform. However, indirect costs might arise from using specific devices or platforms that support the technology.


NVIDIA’s CUDA isn’t directly priced either, but its use necessitates the requirement of Nvidia hardware, creating an indirect cost. Moreover, continual updates may require regular hardware upgrades. Therefore, while CUDA itself has no explicit price, it indirectly escalates expenses through the stipulation of specific hardware acquisition.

Code Examples for WebGPU & CUDA


This interactive sphere uses a noise map for distortion, simulating the surface appearance of a planet. It leverages WebGPU’s high-performance computing capabilities. Necessary requirements include having a browser supporting WebGPU or the WebGPU API enabled.

    const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
    const device = await adapter.requestDevice();
    const context = canvas.getContext('webgpu');
    const swapChainFormat = 'bgra8unorm';

    let extraSpace = 2; // for tiling
    let dstBytesPerRow = 256;
    let dstRowsPerImage = 4;
    const byteLength = dstBytesPerRow * (dstRowsPerImage + extraSpace);

    const dstDataBuffer = device.createBuffer({
        size: byteLength,
        usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.PARTICLE,

        format: swapChainFormat,

    let time = 0;

    function step() {
        device.createBufferMappedData(dstDataBuffer, {offset: 0, size: byteLength});
        const [srcDataBuffer, map] = device.createBufferMapped(srcData);
        const commandEncoder = device.createCommandEncoder();
        commandEncoder.copyBufferToBuffer(srcDataBuffer, 0, dstDataBuffer, 50, byteLength);
        if (time < 1000) {  // render 1000 frames


This CUDA code snippet for an example of parallelizing matrix-matrix multiplication. It assumes intermediate knowledge of matrix operations and includes algorithm optimization. A functional CUDA environment is essential.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <cuda.h>

    #define SIZE 1000
    #define BLOCK_SIZE 16

    __global__ void MatrixMul(float* C, float* A, float* B) {
        int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
        int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
        float sum = 0;

        if (row < SIZE && col < SIZE) {
            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
                sum += A[row * SIZE + i] * B[i * SIZE + col];
            C[row * SIZE + col] = sum;

    int main() {
        dim3 blocks(SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE, SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE);
        dim3 threads(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
        MatrixMul <<< blocks, threads >>> (C, A, B);
        return 0;

In the Standoff: WebGPU vs CUDA – WebGPU or CUDA?

In the evolving tech realm, making a choice between WebGPU and CUDA hinges on few critical factors. Let’s divvy up the audience segments and see which leads the game.

Browser-based Application Developers

If your sphere is browser-based applications, WebGPU might be your go-to tool. It addresses WebGL’s limitations effectively, offers modern graphics API functionalities, and drastically reduces boilerplate code PLUS JavaScript call overhead. It even enables some complex visual effects previously out of reach.

Developer coding a complex visual application using WebGPU

Machine Learning Specialists

CUDA unequivocally tops here. It’s compute capacity and speed that is 30-100x more than regular microprocessors, backed by a history of improvements, are virtually made for machine learning computations. Do note, CUDA only supports NVIDIA hardware.

Machine learning specialist optimizing computations using CUDA

Mobile Game Developers

The debate is tight for this audience. While WebGPU’s Vulkan rooting promises exceptional performance once fully developed, CUDA’s multi-threaded parallel computations can offer significant speed boosts now. Future considerations? Maybe WebGPU. Need speed now? CUDA.

Mobile game developer evaluating between WebGPU and CUDA

In a nutshell, WebGPU and CUDA serve different niches. WebGPU, in its early stages, shows promise for browser-based applications and mobile game development. CUDA excels in machine learning computations and instantaneous speed requirements, provided you’re on NVIDIA hardware.

Logan Bellbrook

Content writer @ Aircada with a knack for nature & AR/VR/XR. Blogging the intersection of tech & terrain.