For developers seeking future-proof, adaptable AR/VR applications, WebXR reigns supreme with its comprehensive device API and support in major browsers. However, OpenXR provides unrivaled unity in AR/VR software development with impressive performance and broad compatibility, making it a strong contender for developers targeting diverse hardware.

WebXR vs OpenXR

Key Differences Between WebXR and OpenXR

  • WebXR focuses on unifying VR and AR for the creation of immersive 3D content, while OpenXR aims at unifying AR/VR software development for a broader hardware reach.
  • WebXR is widely supported in major browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox. OpenXR receives public support from major tech corporations, and is used extensively in Microsoft’s VR support.
  • WebXR provides access to VR devices like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, etc. OpenXR, on the other hand, ensures compatibility with diverse AR/VR devices.
  • WebXR is ideal for rapid user onboarding, deployment, content update, and accessibility. OpenXR reduces the need for porting or rewriting code, thereby easing development and maintenance burden.
Comparison WebXR OpenXR
Technology type AR and VR combined for immersive 3D art, VR tools Royalty-free, open-standard, high-performance AR/VR
Performance Requirements Low latency, high precision, rapid data processing. Web disruptions lesser than 20ms Lower latency for high performance. Ensures maximum performance and minimum latency
API Specifications Final API specs defined by W3C groups, Immersive Web Community Group, Immersive Web Working Group. Defined by Khronos Group consortium
Applications Interactive 3D, 360 video/immersive entertainment, and model visualizations AR/VR content compatibility across diverse devices
Hardware Compatibility Supports HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, etc. Supported by Microsoft HoloLens 2, Windows Mixed Reality headsets
SDK/Framework Compatibility AR.js, Three.js, A-Painter XR, A-Frame, ARCore Unreal Engine, Unity

What Is WebXR and Who’s It For?

Revolutionizing the realm of 3D art, WebXR serves as the linchpin of VR and AR evolution. This groundbreaking technology, undergirded by high precision and rapid data processing, introduces a seamless, immersive experience. WebXR Device API tackles significant challenges including device security and large data volume while supporting multiple immersive experiences like 360 videos, model visualizations, and interactive 3D art, opening avenues for artists, innovators, content creators, and VR enthusiasts.

Supported by Chrome and Firefox, WebXR holds the beacon for the dynamic future of cross-platform applications. Bolstered by various toolkits such as AR.js, Three.js, and A-Frame, WebXR strives to make 3D art and VR tools creation facile and enjoyable.

Colorful visual representation of a technician immersed in WebXR, crafting 3D art in a high-tech laboratory

Pros of WebXR

  • WebXR is at the forefront of VR and AR evolution.
  • It unifies VR and AR realities which makes content creation easier.
  • WebXR supports VR and AR i.e., mixed reality, making it adaptable and futuristic.

Cons of WebXR

  • WebXR is not a rendering technology and doesn’t manage 3D data or its display.
  • WebXR’s AR capabilities depend on browser support, which may vary
  • Due to its newness, may lack robust community support or extensive documentation.

What Is OpenXR and Who’s It For?

OpenXR, a high-performance, royalty-free open standard, ushers in a revolution in AR/VR software development. Shaping a bridge between numerous hardware systems, this platform eradicates the necessity for porting/re-writing code, making it ideal for developers, AR/VR enthusiasts, and individuals aiming for broader hardware reach.

Bolstered by immense tech tycoons and powered by the Khronos Group consortium, OpenXR pridefully graces various popular platforms. Its support extends to AR/VR hardware, delivering a reduction in latency and enhanced performance for end-users, therefore, unleashing new potentials in the immersive world pillar to post.

Colorful image of a developer in an office-space enhancing AR/VR software development using OpenXR

Pros of OpenXR

  • OpenXR promotes coherent software development for extended hardware.
  • It reduces the need for porting and re-writing code.
  • OpenXR integrates seamlessly with various platforms and devices.

Cons of OpenXR

  • OpenXR isn’t an engine itself but enables engines to write portable code.
  • Potential barriers due to varying hardware requirements.
  • Early challenges in wider adoption due to a highly competitive market.

WebXR vs OpenXR: Pricing

Both WebXR and OpenXR are open-source technologies, thus encompassing no direct pricing, instead deriving revenue from implementation in various applications, platforms, and services.


As an open-source API developed by the W3C groups, including the Immersive Web Community Group and Immersive Web Working Group, WebXR does not directly charge its developers or end-users. Its usage spans cross-platform applications and browsers, with major support from Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. The potential revenue streams stem predominantly from applications and services that implement the WebXR API, such as interactive 3D art, 360 video/immersive entertainment, and model visualization platforms. Open access to WebXR enables rapid user onboarding, deployment, content updates, and improved accessibility, all factors that contribute to its value proposition.


OpenXR, a high-performance, royalty-free, open standard API maintained by the Khronos Group consortium, caters to AR/VR. Its no-fee structure extends to developers targeting a variety of VR/AR hardware, allowing for cross-platform compatibility. Revenues can be anticipated from its utilization in various platforms and applications, including powerhouse engines like Unreal and Unity. Open XR’s large-scale compatibility and efficiency-enhancing capabilities across diverse devices potentially expand its implementable revenue mechanisms. It sees full support on Microsoft HoloLens 2, Windows Mixed Reality headsets, and even has broad public support from several tech corporations, strengthening its monetization potential.

Code Examples for WebXR & OpenXR


The following WebXR code sample illustrates an immersive VR session that creates an AR-compatible layer using a canvas context. Here we presume the browser supports ‘immersive-ar’ mode. We bind the ‘xr’ output to the canvas, request an animation frame, and initialize the session.

// Initialize WebXR Session
let xrSession = null;
const xrButton = document.querySelector('button');
xrButton.addEventListener('click', onButtonClicked);
  .then((supported) => {
    xrButton.innerHTML = supported ? 'Enter AR' : 'AR not found';
    xrButton.disabled = !supported;

// Session button click handler
function onButtonClicked() {
  if (!xrSession) {
  } else {

// Session handler
function onSessionStarted(session) {
  xrSession = session;
  xrButton.innerHTML = 'Exit AR';
  session.addEventListener('end', onSessionEnded);

// Ending session handler
function onSessionEnded(event) {
  xrSession = null;
  xrButton.innerHTML = 'Enter AR';


The presented OpenXR code snippet demonstrates skeleton tracking functionalities. You must have the necessary OpenXR extensions and hardware support for this to operate properly.

// Initialize skeleton of dominant Hand
XrHandJointLocationEXT jointLocation;
// Structure which populates jointLocation
XrHandJointLocationEXT jointLocation{XR_TYPE_HAND_JOINT_LOCATION_EXT};
XrHandTrackingEXT system = g_handtrackingApi->GetHandTrackingSystem();
XrResult result = g_handtrackingApi->LocateHandJointsEXT(system, &jointLocation);

if(result == XR_SUCCESS){
  // The joint state is updated

These examples underscore the versatility of both WebXR and OpenXR. While the first one is tailored towards creating augmented reality experiences via browser, the latter enhances virtual reality gaming with skeletal tracking features.

Deciding on WebXR vs OpenXR: Which Reigns Supreme?

In the high-paced world of VR/AR development, two technologies strive for dominance. Let’s align these powerhouses with the needs of three distinct audience segments.

Web Developers and VR/AR Newbies

WebXR is your golden ticket. With a design aimed at unifying VR and AR, it’s at the forefront of immersive tech evolution. Additionally, the WebXR Device API helps you conquer performance drops and manage security. Add to that the broad native support; you’ll find compatibility across major browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Opera. However, prepare to handle rendering and texturing as WebXR doesn’t manage 3D data or its display.

A web developer formulating code on a dual screen setup; curious, focused. Around him, a lush aura of immersive tech possibilities.

Hardcore VR/AR Creators Seeking Broad Hardware Reach

Look no further than OpenXR. It’s your byword for high-performance access and hardware compatibility. From seamless device integration to extensions for hand and eye tracking, it elevates your user experience. Moreover, OpenXR aids in reducing development and maintenance burdens, freeing up more time for your creative vision. Lastly, enjoy the robust backing of tech titans like Google, Microsoft, and Nvidia.

A dedicated VR/AR creator working late at night to fine-tune her OpenXR-powered game; her eyes aglow with passion and ambition.

Adventurous Developers Eyeing Future-Proof Solutions

Again, WebXR takes the cake. It’s tailored for browser-based, cross-platform apps, making it perfect for large-scale deployments. And with its adaptability to new devices, your app stays relevant for the long haul. Plus, the rapid deployment, content update, and accessibility afforded by Web-based access only sweeten the deal.

A futuristic developer, pondering over a holographic projection of his WebXR app. His gaze is all about future-ready tech; calculative, visionary.

In the showdown of WebXR vs OpenXR, both technologies are robust, but serve different needs. WebXR is the heavyweight for VR/AR rookies and future-focused developers, while OpenXR shines for hardcore creators seeking broad hardware compatibility.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.