For innovative AR solutions with granular customization, Wikitude is the robust choice, compatible with mobile and smart eyewear. However, for simple, reachable AR experiences, 8th Wall excels, leveraging WebAR to render effects easily on any smartphone. Keep in mind pricing and coding literacy when selecting.

Wikitude and 8th Wall compared

Key Differences Between Wikitude and 8th Wall

  • Company Origins: Wikitude, founded in Austria in 2008; 8th Wall, established in California, U.S. in 2016.
  • SDK Compatibility: Wikitude compatible with Android, iOS, Windows OS, and smart eyewear; 8th Wall relies on WebAR, universally accessible from any smartphone.
  • AR Methodology: Wikitude uses GPS and motion sensors for location-based AR, external native AR frameworks; 8th Wall uses WebAR, standard-compliant JavaScript, WebGL, and AR/VR headsets.
  • Price: Wikitude offers both a Professional and Expert Edition; 8th Wall’s commercial licensing exceeds 2000 USD per month.
Comparison Wikitude 8th Wall
Origin/Headquarters Salzburg, Austria Palo Alto, California
Launch Year 2008 2019
Acquisition Qualcomm, September 2021 Niantic, March 2022
AR Technology Image recognition & tracking, 3D model rendering, video overlay, location-based AR and SLAM WebAR, computer vision SLAM, Image Target Tracking, Lighting and Surface Estimation, 6-DoF Tracking
Target recognition and usage Multiple 2D images; perfect for complex AR experiences involving multiple objects (both identical and different). Human AR, hand tracking; Used in retail for placing virtual objects like rings, bracelets, watches on hands and in areas like gaming and education.
Development Environment SDK; Optimized for Unity experts Cloud Editor; a cloud-based integrated development environment for WebAR and WebVR development
Supportive Platforms Android, iOS, Windows OS, Smart Eyewear Devices iOS, Android, Computers, AR/VR Headsets
Features for Developers High-end image tracking, cylindrical tracking, multiple trackers, support for AR Foundation from Unity Wireless remote debugging, cloud-based coding environment, live previewing, integration with a global CDN, push-button publishing

What Is Wikitude and Who’s It For?

Established in Salzburg, Austria, Wikitude was debuted in 2008, offering innovation by combining the traits of location-based AR experiences through its World Browser App. It later fleshed its tech potential with the SDK (Software Development Kit) in 2012, expanding its potential applications. Wikitude is a haven for developers seeking image recognition and tracking, 3D model rendering, video overlay, location-based AR, and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping), compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows OS optimally for smart eyewear devices.

From the introduction of image recognition to the release of SDK 9.0 Expert Edition in 2020, Wikitude has earned a spot among the Top 5 AR Apps and boasts recognition as the Best Developer Tool at Augmented World Expo in 2017. Designed with high-end image tracking, multiple trackers, support for AR Foundation from Unity, and more, Wikitude serves as the ultra-advanced AR solution.

Colorful display of Wikitude's revolutionary AR technology at an international tech exposition

Pros of Wikitude

  • Recognized and approved by 20+ AR-specializing agencies
  • Possesses high-end image tracking, multiple trackers
  • Compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows OS
  • Optimized for smart eyewear devices
  • SDK offers a solid foundation for AR applications

Cons of Wikitude

  • Debate about whether location-based AR qualifies as AR due to GPS, compass, and motion sensor accuracy
  • Demanding technical understanding for utilizing advanced AR features

What Is 8th Wall and Who’s It For?

8th Wall was founded with an audacious objective: democratize augmented reality. It presents an award-winning AR developer platform that constructs interactive web-based augmented reality (WebAR). This spectacular technology is accessible by over 5 billion smartphones across iOS, Android, computers, etc. rendering apps unnecessary.

8th Wall Cloud Editor offers developers a potent, integrated environment for WebAR and WebVR development while expanding its portfolio with offerings such as hand tracking, Face effects, Sky Effects, and World Tracking features. Ideal for developers with a comprehensive grasp of web technologies like JavaScript, WebGL, HTML5, 8th Wall comes as a powerhouse platform for crafting immersive AR experiences.

Colorful representation of an 8th Wall augmented reality experience on a smartphone, set in an urban landscape

Pros of 8th Wall

  • Powerful AR developer platform
  • Wide compatibility with smartphones, computers, and AR/VR headsets
  • Rich features including 6-DoF Tracking, Lighting and Surface Estimation, and Image Target Tracking
  • Cloud Editor offers integrated environment for WebAR and WebVR development

Cons of 8th Wall

  • Requires understanding of web technologies for creating AR experiences
  • Relatively high cost for commercial license
  • Primarily reliant on webAR technology

Which between Wikitude and 8th Wall should be your AR pick?

In the wake of ever-increasing advancements in augmented reality, the verdict between Wikitude and 8th Wall becomes a pivotal choice. Let’s delve into our distinct audience segmentation:

AR Application Developers

For AR application developers, Wikitude serves an optimal choice. Its SDK provides a rich set of AR features—including high-end image tracking and multiple object tracking—even in challenging environments, while also supporting many native AR frameworks. Additionally, the introduction of the ‘SDK 9.0 Expert Edition’ offers advanced features for high-performing AR solutions.

AR developer evaluating different augmented reality SDKs on a dual-monitor setup

Brand Marketers

Brand Marketers would find solace in the 8th Wall platform. WebAR experiences can be created and utilised across all smartphones without the need for a dedicated app. This broad device compatibility paired with a track record of powering successful brand campaigns make it a robust and practical solution for marketing applications.

Brand marketer planning an AR marketing campaign on a laptop

Education and Gaming Professionals

Educators and game creators could lean into using 8th Wall courtesy of its new feature introducing hand tracking, which offers greater interactivity with digital objects. Its continued emphasis on ‘Human AR’ morphs the way users interact with AR experiences, which could result in more engaging educational and gaming applications.

Game developer brainstorming AR gaming concepts using hand interaction

Concisely put, for high-performing AR solutions layered with advanced features, Wikitude stands ahead. 8th Wall, with its broad device compatibility and interactive augmentation of human elements, is better suited for greater human engagement, such as in marketing or educational gaming.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.