For advanced AR solutions on multiple platforms, Wikitude with its high-end SDK dominates. However, if simplicity beats complexity for your AR needs, BUNDLAR’s user-friendly, no-code platform presents a robust alternative. Certain advanced AR needs may push you towards Wikitude, while quick iteration and simplicity will find a friend in BUNDLAR.

Detailed comparison: Wikitude vs BUNDLAR

Key Differences Between Wikitude and BUNDLAR

  • Coding: BUNDLAR is a no-code solution, while Wikitude leverages advanced SDK for feature-rich AR experiences.
  • Platforms: Wikitude is compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows OS and smart eyewear devices, BUNDLAR primarily focusses on mobile (iOS).
  • Editing & designing: BUNDLAR’s CMS features a drag-and-drop interface while Wikitude relies on SDK enhancements.
  • Integration: Wikitude supports several external native AR frameworks, BUNDLAR offers third-party software integration like Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Zendesk.
Comparison Wikitude BUNDLAR
Initial Launch 2008 Unspecified
Core Technology SDK for AR Development No-code AR Platform
Acquisition Acquired by Qualcomm in 2021 Independent
Compatibility Android, iOS, Windows OS iOS 12.0 or later
Primary Use Cases Image Recognition & Tracking, 3D model rendering, Video Overlay Operations, Logistics, Support, Installation, Maintenance, Onboarding, Safety, Sales
Recognition Top 5 AR Apps, Best Developer Tool at AWE 2017 Positive user review across industries
Advanced Features SLAM, Multiple Object Tracking, Cylinder Tracking Cloud bundling for stable experiences
Integration Supports ARKit, ARCore directly without integration Integration with Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Zendesk

What Is Wikitude and Who’s It For?

Wikitude is a trailblazing AR platform based in Salzburg, Austria, providing SDKs for AR development since launching in 2008. Its primary offerings focus on image recognition & tracking, 3D model rendering, video overlay, location-based AR and SLAM. Acquired by Qualcomm in 2021, it is compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows OS, and optimized for smart eyewear devices. Targeted users include AR enthusiasts, app developers, especially Unity experts, and agencies specialized in AR.

Colorful visual presenting a developer engrossed in coding, surrounded by holographic AR images in a modern tech office

Pros of Wikitude

  • Functional for both standalone and external native AR frameworks like ARKit and ARCore
  • Provides highly advanced AR features like multiple object tracking and image recognition & tracking
  • Optimized for smart eyewear devices

Cons of Wikitude

  • Accuracy of location-based AR dependent on GPS, compass and motion sensor
  • If using the Expert Edition, an advanced understanding of Unity is required
  • Needs user’s position for location-based AR which can limit use-cases

What Is BUNDLAR and Who’s It For?

BUNDLAR is an innovative augmented reality platform offering a no-code solution to create, publish, and measure AR experiences. It’s well-suited to a variety of applications including operations, logistics, onboarding, sales enablement and more. The target audience is broad, from professional individuals, enterprise sectors to federal entities. It is an ideal solution for anyone with a computer and internet connection, seeking to create AR experiences without writing code.

Colorful digital workplace where a marketer creatively designs AR experiences using BUNDLAR’s CMS on a large screen


  • No-code, drag-and-drop interface for AR creation
  • Supports integration with third-party softwares like Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce
  • Granular measurement of ROI via analytics dashboard


  • Requires iOS 12.0 or later for compatibility
  • Dependent on BUNDLAR app for user access
  • Collection and linking of personal data for its privacy practices

Which AR Powerhouse Should You Opt For? Wikitude or BUNDLAR?

In the thrilling duel of AR technologies, it’s the Austrian spark, Wikitude, up against the no-code solution powerhouse, BUNDLAR. Let’s carve out which AR whale sails best for different audience segments.

The Tech-savvy Developers

Wikitude wins hands down for the tech-obsessed developers. Its consistent innovation, like the SDK 9.0 Expert Edition, demonstrates an obvious tilt towards advanced AR features. Moreover, it’s approved by a fleet of over twenty AR-specializing agencies and provides seamless compatibility with ARKit, ARCore.

Developer in glasses at a well-lit office desk, creating AR content with advanced features and tools

The Non-Coders and Visual Creators

If you’d rather control your AR escapades with a swift drag and drop, BUNDLAR is your game. Its stupendous no-code, drag-and-drop interface allows even the non-technicals to climb upon the AR creation bandwagon.

Designer busily creating AR experiences with a drag-and-drop tool

The AR Market Scholars

For those on the prowl for AR market recognition and acceptance, the choice is clear. Wikitude, with its numerous accolades like the ‘2017 Best Developer Tool’ at Augmented World Expo, and named in the Top 5 AR Apps, leaves no room for doubt.

Market researcher analyzing AR market trends and recognitions

The Integration Pursuers

If integration with third-party software like Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Zendesk is on your priority list, BUNDLAR stands as an unmatched victor. Plus, it offers platform tiers that align best with customer fit.

Manager checking integration of AR platform with third-party software

For wannabe AR wizards seeking advanced features and market recognition, Wikitude shines. Yet, for those drawn to no-code solutions with multi-software integration, BUNDLAR rules the roost.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.