XR Interaction Toolkit vs Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit

For simpler AR/VR applications with a need for versatility, XR Interaction Toolkit is your go-to. If you’re into high-complexity development with wider platform support, especially Microsoft suites, choose Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit.

Key Differences Between XR Interaction Toolkit and Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit

  • XR Interaction Toolkit focuses on high-level, component-based system, making 3D and UI interactions easily accessible, while MRTK speeds up cross-platform MR app development using ready-made building blocks.
  • XR Interaction Toolkit supports AR Foundation for AR functionalities while MRTK incorporates Vuforia Engine SDK for HoloLens.
  • XR Interaction Toolkit is updated more frequently with the latest version being 2.3.0, updated on February 10, 2023. Microsoft, however, emphasizes on MRTK3 and continues to support critical issues in MRTK2.
  • XR Interaction Toolkit is heavily tied to Unity Editor versions 2021.3 and onward, while MRTK is more flexible, supporting Unity 2018.4.x and Unity 2019, along with Windows SDK 18362+ for UWP apps.
Comparison XR Interaction Toolkit Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK)
Architecture Base Interactor and Interactable components managed by Interaction Manager Core components can be replaced, various feature areas
Interaction Capabilities 3D and UI interactions with hover, select, grab features and haptic feedback; interaction with XR Origin Spatial interactions and UI with variety of UX building blocks; Input System, Hand Tracking
AR Functionality Gesture system, object placement and manipulation, AR annotations Supports ARCore XR Plug-in, ARKit XR Plug-in
VR Functionality Integration with XR Device Simulator; Handles room-scale VR experiences Supports Unity OpenXR Plugin, XR SDK Plugin
Ports & Compatibility Supports Meta Quest, OpenXR, Windows Mixed Reality; Designed for Unity Editor versions 2021.3 onwards Supports Meta Quest, Oculus XR Plugin, Microsoft HoloLens 2, Windows Mixed Reality headsets; Also compatible with older Unity versions (2018.4.x, 2019)
Dependencies Depends on Input System, Unity UI, XR Core Utilities, XR Legacy Input Helpers Requires Visual Studio 2019, Unity 2018.4.x, Unity 2019 with Windows SDK 18362+ for UWP app
Latest Version & Update Version 2.3.0, updated on February 10, 2023 MRTK3 public preview available, continuous updates by Microsoft
Known Limitations Multiple interactor support issues on XR Grab Interactables, problems with mouse inputs when an XR Plug-in Provider is enabled Some issues persist in MRTK2 while transition to MRTK3
Support & Community Engagement Support forums, issue tracker, public roadmaps, and example projects Slack, Stack Overflow; documentation and tutorials readily available
Special Features Simulates all interactions with XR Device Simulator Building blocks for rapid prototyping; in-editor simulation; Vuforia HoloLens sample for Unity project setup

What Is XR Interaction Toolkit and Who’s It For?

XR Interaction Toolkit is a high-level, component-based interaction system innovated by Unity. It’s a tech novelty that enables VR and AR experiences, bringing to life engaging 3D and UI interactions straight from Unity input events. It’s intended for those invested in VR and AR development, serving as a cutting-edge tool for creating immersive experiences.

Colorful AR developer in a high-tech lab

Pros of XR Interaction Toolkit

  • Enables immersive VR and AR experiences
  • Supports multiple XR controller input systems
  • Offers visual feedback for interactions

Cons of XR Interaction Toolkit

  • Lacks support for multiple interactor on XR Grab Interactables
  • Mouse inputs can’t interact with world space UIs when an XR Plug-in Provider is active

What Is Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit and Who’s It For?

The Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) is a powerful technology driven by Microsoft to expedite MR app development in Unity. It brings to table a range of features, including a cross-platform input system. This versatile toolkit is perfect for developers aiming to build cross-platform MR applications swiftly.

Colorful developer crafting MR experience in a trendsetting tech workspace

Pros of Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit

  • Allows developers to swap out core components
  • Supports wide variety of platforms and plugins
  • Includes various UX building blocks and tools

Cons of Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit

  • Continuation of MRTK2 issues till deprecation
  • Migration to MRTK version 3 is recommended, possibly requiring app overhaul

XR Interaction Toolkit vs Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit: Pricing

Both Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit and Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Toolkit are predominantly consulted for optimizing MR app development, and intriguingly, no explicit pricing details are discernible from the provided information.

XR Interaction Toolkit

The XR Interaction Toolkit is a high-level, component-based interaction system from Unity, which remarkably favours VR and AR experiences. Despite the dense amount of intricate details and extensive capabilities covered, the gleaning information provide no explicit insights into the pricing of this technology. However, it seems to rely crucially on different other components like Unity Input System, UI, XR Core Utilities, and the AR Foundation package. The pricing, therefore, could be inherently linked to these dependencies to some extent.

Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit

The Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit fosters the expedited development of cross-platform MR applications. The toolkit offers an inviting array of features and abilities to assist developers, and yet, the disclosed details regrettably do not shed light on its pricing. The toolkit is heavily aligned with Microsoft’s systems and more broadly, with Unity development platforms. Therefore, the pricing hypothesis could be intertwined with these fundamental alignments.

XR Interaction Toolkit or Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit: The Ultimate AR/VR Call

We’ve delved into the technical depths of XR Interaction Toolkit and Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit. But where should you invest your efforts? Let’s parse it by audience.

High-level Developers

The XR Interaction Toolkit may be your best bet. With a high-level, component-based interaction system, you’ll be able to leverage the utility of Unity’s input events. From multiple XR controller input systems to AR gestures and simulation capabilities, there’s much to work with. Notably, version 2.3.0 brings enhancements from the past and is compatible with Unity Editor versions 2021.3 and beyond.

high-level developer using the XR Interaction Toolkit on a modern workstation, immersed in creating 3D and UI interactions

Microsoft Loyalists

If you’re steeped in Microsoft’s ecosystem and value cross-platform MR app development, turn to the Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK). Its variety of functions, expansive support range, and UX building blocks may tick all your checkboxes. Particularly enticing is the sneak peek of the highly anticipated MRTK3.

Microsoft software developer working on a Windows Mixed Reality headset, using the Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit

Developers Prioritizing User Experience

The selection of UX building blocks in MRTK makes it a strong choice for those designing user-centered VR/AR experiences. From buttons and tooltips to hand menus and fingertip visualizations, you’ll have a host of tools at your disposal.

UX developer crafting compelling AR experiences with the Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit's array of UX building blocks

Innovators Seeking Customization & Future-readiness

For disruptors eager to chart their own course, the XR Interaction Toolkit offers wide-ranging possibilities with the power to simulate all interactions with its XR Device Simulator. The high degree of customization backed by Unity’s rigorous support paves the way for future-ready exploration.

tech innovator deeply engaged in simulating XR interactions using the XR Interaction Toolkit

Between the XR Interaction Toolkit and Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit, consider your needs. High-level Unity commands? Choose XR Interaction. Faithful to Microsoft with a focus on UX? MRTK is perfect. Ready for trail-blazing? XR Interaction pulls out ahead.

Hannah Stewart

Content writer @ Aircada, tech enthusiast, metaverse explorer, and coffee addict. Weaving stories in digital realms.