For immersive AR/VR experiences with AI integration, opt for XR+. Specializing in creatives with no-code tools, XR+ offers high inclusivity features and wider access. Choose Blippar for AR content creation and publishing, with key experiences in globally recognized brands and emphasis on more complex projects.

XR+ vs Blippar

Key Differences Between XR+ and Blippar

  • XR+ focuses on web AR/VR/metaverse, while Blippar specializes in AR content creation and publishing.
  • Blippar has shifted from creating AR experiences to a SaaS platform for AR creation, whereas XR+ still offers direct AR experience creation.
  • XR+ provides a larger suite of features for disability inclusivity, eco-responsibility, and AI aspects compared to Blippar.
  • Blippar, despite a setback in 2018, was recognized in key innovation lists in the same year, bringing with it an important comeback story.
Comparison XR+ Blippar
Specialization Web AR/VR/metaverse AR content creation and publishing
Key Sectors of Application Tourism, heritage, art, culture, events, festivals, live shows, marketing, communication, entertainment, immersive games, commerce, services, and education Advertising, augmented reality, content creation, design studio
User Accessibility Direct access irrespective of device type Primarily smartphone-based AR tech
Engagement Claims AR enhances dwell time and interactions. Focus on creating purposeful AR experiences
Promotion Channels QR codes, webAR players, social media AR game triggered by packaging,/product launches
Creation Ease No need for developers, allows custom development Free-to-use Blippbuilder, a no-code AR creation tool
Capabilities Merges nearly real-time big data with VR/AR for training and data visualization Visual search engine, facial recognition API, AR car recognition, location-based AR technology
Deployment Options OS agnostic including full device-agnostic VR/AR/XR suites, cellphones, tablets, PC Originally smartphone-based, expanded into platforms for Google Glass, VR, machine learning, AI
Recent Developments Integration of AI for automatic video creation with text-to-speech photorealistic or 3D character generation Raised $5 million pre-Series A in 2021, pivot to SaaS platform for AR creation

What Is XR+ and Who’s It For?

XR+ is a technological wonder in the realm of augmented and virtual reality, specialising in immersive, geolocatable advanced storytelling through the metaverse. It’s a comprehensive no-code platform, crisscrossing various sectors from tourism and culture to education and commerce. With a direct access to a massive user base, XR+ is an ideal platform for diverse consumers, professionals, and businesses looking for engaging AR/VR experiences.

Colorful scene of immersive AR/VR creativity happening in a high-tech studio

Pros of XR+

  • Diverse application sectors
  • Inclusivity features for users with disabilities
  • Eco-responsible platform
  • Employs QR codes and social media for promotion
  • No need for developers, allowing speedy results
  • Dynamic QR codes for measurable experiences
  • Trusted by popular brands

Cons of XR+

  • Could be overwhelming for beginners due to its extensive features
  • Dependency on a stable internet connection
  • Custom development may require advanced skills

What Is Blippar and Who’s It For?

Blippar, UK’s first tech unicorn, majors in augmented reality content creation and publishing. A brainchild of Faisal Galaria, Blippar has strong partnerships with giants such as Porsche, L’Oréal, and Procter & Gamble. Launched in 2011, Blippar originally catered to advertisers, later expanding into Google Glass, VR, and AI. Now, it’s an all-in-one SaaS platform for AR creation, perfect for businesses seeking to beef up their branding with AR experiences.

Pros of Blippar

  • Rewarded as a leading tech disruptor and innovator
  • Strong partnerships and client base
  • Offer no-code AR creation tool, Blippbuilder
  • Diverse and evolving product offerings (AR, VR, AI, facial recognition, etc.)
  • Positions from AR experiences to SaaS platform for AR creation

Cons of Blippar

  • Faced financial instability in the past
  • Dependent on external investment for revival and growth
  • Complex platform that might require a learning curve

XR+ vs Blippar: Pricing

The pricing for XR+ involves a tiered system with free, advanced, and super XR web app options, while Blippar offers a free-to-use no-code AR creation tool, but specific pricing details are not presented.


XR+ splits its services into three distinct tiers: free, advanced, and super XR web applications. These tiers come with varying features, differing in capabilities across AR/VR/Metaverse, cross-device access, branding options, asset limitations, multi-trackers, analytics, and support levels. Precise costings for the advanced and super XR web apps are not furnished.


Blippar provides an AR creation tool termed ‘Blippbuilder’, free for use. This no-code tool fosters AR content creation and experience enhancement. However, Blippar’s specific pricing structure or potential tiered system remains undisclosed within the presented information.

XR+ or Blippar: Which One Reigns Supreme?

Ready to get the verdict? Let’s break the suspense and get straight into the comparative dissection of XR+ and Blippar.

AR/VR Content Developers

For AR/VR content creators after seamless development with comprehensive tools, XR+ steals the spotlight boldly. Equipped with images, videos, text, and 3D models, not to mention AI for automatic video creation and dynamic QR codes for trackable experiences, it is proven for delivering a whole new level of engaging AR experiences.

Market Research Professionals

For market research professionals, who leverage big data for predictive analytics, XR+ offers the perfect blend of AR/VR capabilities with real-time data for innovative data visualization. Its machine-learning aspect adds another layer of data set analysis efficiency.

Market researcher analyzing data on XR+ dashboard

Marketing Enthusiasts

On the other hand, for marketing enthusiasts prioritizing partnerships with prominent brands, Blippar does justice. With successful alliances with titans like GSK, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, etc., Blippar perfectly dovetails AR tech and marketing.

Marketer engaging with Blippar's AR marketing tools

Upcoming Tech Unicorns

Upcoming tech unicorns banking on an established name might find Blippar, the UK’s first tech unicorn, an inspiration. Despite its rocky road, Blippar successfully revived under a focused vision, securing its place in the CNBC’s ‘Disruptor 50’ list.

Tech enthusiast aspiring to be a tech unicorn, looking at Blippar's achievements

AR Platform Enthusiast

And finally, for AR platform enthusiasts concerned about the extensive use of AR content, Blippar’s pivot to an AR SaaS platform deserves applause. Its belief in a vibrant ecosystem of AR content for future AR hardware aligns with the vision of revolutionary AR experiences.

An AR platform enthusiast admiring Blippar's breadth of AR content

Craving for extensive development tools and AI-infused experiences, stick to XR+. To embark on successful marketing endeavors or looking up to established tech unicorns, go for Blippar.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.