For an all-inclusive XR strategy and an accessible AR, Zappar is the optimal option with a focus on wide-ranged creativity, engagement, and brand loyalty. However, for a no-code AR creation tool with a shift towards intricate and purposeful AR projects, one might lean to Blippar.

Zappar vs Blippar

Key Differences Between Zappar and Blippar

  • Zappar specializes in an XR platform with a focus on accessibility, while Blippar provides a free-to-use, no-code AR creation tool.
  • Both companies host well-known clients, Zappar’s XR strategy has shown spikes in engagement and brand loyalty, while Blippar’s strategy is shifting towards more complex and purposeful projects.
  • Zappar provides ZapWorks toolset for an uncomplicated AR experience creation, offering varying features for beginners to expert coders. Conversely, Blippar prioritizes on AR experiences transforming into a SaaS platform.
  • Although Blippar faced financial trouble, it has recovered with new investments and has made its mark in global lists like CNBC’s ‘Disruptor 50’. Zappar, on the other hand, holds over 12 years of industry experience and is a known leader in the AR space.
Comparison Zappar Blippar
Technological Experience Over 12 years in AR 10 years in AR
Content Creation Tools ZapWorks: Toolset for AR Experience Blippbuilder: No-code AR creation tool
Application Hosting Zappar App on iOS & Android AR experiences hosted via Blippar app and web
AR Tracking World Tracking & Facial tracking AR Car Recognition & Location-Based AR
Coding Level Has solutions for beginner, intermediate and expert coders Has focused on no-code AR creation tool
Domain Packaging, Retail, L&D, Marketing, Tours Advertisers, Product launches
Financial Status Financially Stable Hit financial trouble in 2018, recovered in 2019
Clientele Big brands Partnerships with GSK, Porsche, Jaguar
Product Version Recently launched 6th version of platform Multiple product lines, refocused on SaaS for AR creation

What Is Zappar and Who’s It For?

Zappar, an eminent force within the XR platform space, has over 12 years of distinguished performance, specifically tailored for AR creation. It provides an end-to-end camera strategy, buoyed by its prestigious creative studio. Zappar’s notable XR solution covers content creation, management, and publishing. It serves sectors as diverse as packaging, retail, and marketing among others, making its solutions essential to big brands worldwide.

Zappar expands its ingenuity via its toolset, ZapWorks, designed to facilitate AR experiences. The platform caters to all levels of tech expertise, from advanced scripting editors for master coders to uncomplicated experiences for beginners. Novel inclusions of world tracking and facial tracking add panache to Zappar’s offerings. As an extra feature, Zappar can integrate AR experiences into pre-established apps.

Colorful 3D artifacts portrayed on the platform of Zappar, a leader in the AR space

Pros of Zappar

  • End-to-end camera strategy
  • Appeals to various skill levels
  • Diverse application in different sectors
  • Integrates with existing apps

Cons of Zappar

  • Primarily dependent on ZapWorks for creation
  • Requires app installation for AR experiences

What Is Blippar and Who’s It For?

Blippar, a pioneer in the AR industry, emerges as a stalwart with its rich expanse of AR content creation and publishing. It came into existence in 2011, carving a niche as UK’s first tech unicorn. Blippar’s excellence finds echo in innovative partnerships with leading brands globally. Their products, ranging from AR technology for advertisers to a visual search engine using AR, has consistently stirred excitement post-launch.

After experiencing financial turbulence, Blippar recovered through a buyout in 2019 by an investment firm, thereby amplifying its commitment to innovation and resilience. Blippar’s progressive stride in offering SaaS platforms for AR creation mirrors in the launch of the free-to-use Blippbuilder. Their paramount aspiration is to enrich AR content, earmarking resources for sophisticated projects, thereby driving AR experiences from mere amusement to substantial utility.

Colorful AR visuals displayed on the high-tech Blippar platform, leader in AR content creation and publishing

Pros of Blippar

    • Offers a free-to-use AR creation platform: Blippbuilder
    • Acknowledged innovator within the AR field
    • Broad scope in AR content creation
    • Wide-ranging partnerships with global brands

Cons of Blippar

    • Previous financial instabilities
    • Dependency on external investments for survival

Zappar or Blippar – Which Suits You Best?

We’ve dissected Zappar and Blippar, AR heavyweights, inside out. Let’s see which technology you should adopt, depending on your audience segment.

Brands Seeking Extensive Reach

Opt for Zappar, if you’re a heavyweight brand that needs wide-ranging XR solutions. The platform’s rich history and its impressive partners suggest better brand loyalty and conversion rates. By taking advantage of Zappar’s Accessible QR code, you can also reach out to visually impaired users, extending your audience.

Brand marketer analyzing strategies

AR/VR Creators Seeking Versatility

Choose Blippar. If you’re creating content across AR, VR, and machine learning platforms, Blippar’s expansive toolkit and future-driven approach are a big plus. Its proven ability to bounce back speaks to its resilience and potential for stable partnerships.

AR/VR creator immersed in technicolor world

Coders of All Levels

Zappar is a clear choice. The platform’s tiered approach to coding, from beginner to expert level, is inclusive and progressive. Zappar’s automatic feature-building capability for intermediates and the advanced scripting editor for expert coders make it a winning selection.

A focused coder navigating through multiple coding tiers

Zappar innovates with hands-on AR strategies and wider accessibility, while Blippar impresses with its versatility and resilient journey. Choose Zappar for comprehensive outreach and user-friendly coding. Opt for Blippar if you prioritize creative versatility across various tech platforms.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.