LibreCAD is a free Open Source 2D CAD application with extensive capabilities, community support, and cross-platform availability.

LibreCAD alternatives 2024

For those exploring alternatives to LibreCAD, consider AutoCAD, FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, SketchUp, Blender, and Fusion 360.


Stepping onto the tech stage in 1982 as the first CAD system tailored for PCs, AutoCAD is an ingenious software solution by renowned giant, Autodesk. Encompassing the promise of both 2D and 3D drafting, AutoCAD stands as a beacon of technological advancement across a breadth of various industries.

AutoCAD Top Features

  • Profound conceptualization of ideas, bolstering the production of designs with high precision.
  • Support for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for customization, automation, and new feature additions, upholding creativity.
  • Facilitating rapid design calculations and simulations, potent tools for faster processing and higher efficiency.
  • A long, resilient history with 31 versions since its inception, evidence of its enduring adaptability.
Product Description
AutoCAD Architecture A vertical product catering specifically to architectural design needs.
AutoCAD Electrical An epitome of modern electrical design engineering capabilities.
AutoCAD Civil 3D A devoted CAD system designed for the civil engineering sector.

AutoCAD Limitations

While AutoCAD’s wide-ranging functionality is commendable, it does bring forth a potential downside—making it complex for beginners. With extensive commands sans confusion, understanding the system might prove daunting for those starting in the realm of CAD design. The subscription pricing introduced in August 2016 might also be a bottleneck for some entities seeking to adopt this solution for their CAD needs.

AutoCAD Use Cases

Use Case 1: Construction Industry

AutoCAD’s prowess has known significant recognition in the realm of the construction industry. Testament of this is AutoCAD’s application in an audacious feat—the construction of the Shanghai Tower. It managed to capture the building’s twisted structure and ensured environmentally friendly construction.

Use Case 2: Entertainment Industry

Transcending traditional industry boundaries, AutoCAD serves in the entertainment industry as well, assisting in the creation of high-quality content. Its sophisticated 3D animation software is utilised in filmography and gaming environments for a heightened visual experience.

Use Case 3: A Plethora of Industries

Sectors like aviation, automotive, fashion, medical devices, and oil and gas also reap benefits from AutoCAD’s capabilities. From detailed drawings for intricate aerospace parts to harnessing 3D perspectives for impressive fashion designs, AutoCAD paves the way for innovation and creativity across various verticals.



A high-performing, open-source, and fully featured 3D CAD modeler, FreeCAD is a flexible solution that even expands into BIM software territory. Its feature set matches similar high-level tools like CATIA, Creo, SolidWorks, and more, while offering a substantial list of supported file formats.

FreeCAD Top Features

  • Feature-based parametric modeler: Enables the creation of complex 3D models easily and with full control.
  • Extendable functionality via Python: Can introduce or modify features through Python scripting.
  • G-code support for 3D printing: Enables the transformation of 3D models to printable elements seamlessly.
  • Support for multiple file formats: Compatible with STL, STEP, IGES, and DXF, to name a few.
3D to 2D Conversion The built-in 2D component makes it easy to extract 2D drawings from 3D models, which can be especially helpful for engineers and designers.
Arch Module Expands its architecture, electrical, and construction capabilities, making it a versatile tool for different engineering sectors.
CADENAS 3D models searcher Integration Allows users to find and import a wide variety of predefined 3D models, speeding up the design process.

FreeCAD Downsides

  • Has limited capabilities for direct 2D drawing, animation or 3D model manipulation.
  • Its support for the DWG format is limited, a significant disadvantage for professionals working with this widely-used format.

FreeCAD Pricing

Playing true to its name, FreeCAD is completely free. As an open-source tool, it is not only free to use, but its code is also available for improvements and adaptations.

FreeCAD Use Cases

Use case 1

FreeCAD’s feature-based parametric modeler makes it useful for mechanical engineers, as they can create and modify complex product designs easily.

Use case 2

With its strong capabilities in converting 3D models to 2D drawings, FreeCAD serves designers adeptly, facilitating better design documentation.

Use case 3

As it provides G-code support for 3D printing, FreeCAD is beneficial for 3D printing enthusiasts, enabling hassle-free printing of 3D models.



A premier choice for 3D Graphics & Modeling, OpenSCAD provides powerful, precision-based 3D CAD modeling. It’s a free software developed by Marius Kintel and Claire Wolf, operational since 19 February 2010.

OpenSCAD Top Features

  • Unique description language, ensuring high repertoire in 3D operations and precision in model creation.
  • Structures stored in SCAD files, primarily text-based, promoting easy version control.
  • Utföisonerful modeling techniques: Constructive Solid Geometry and the extrusion of 2D outlines.
  • Exports in a variety of formats such as STL, OFF, AMF, and 3MF.
  • Library & subsystem integration includes OpenCSG, OpenGL, and CGAL, pushing the boundaries of 3D modeling.
Category Specification
User Interface 2D to 3D – linear_extrude, rotate_extrude, mathematical operators and functions
Version & Release 2021.01, with regular updates
Intended User Entry-level CAD tool ideal for designing open-source hardware

OpenSCAD Limitations

  • Models are not interactively modified in 3D.
  • Focused on CAD aspects, it may not fulfill certain requirements of graphic designers.

OpenSCAD Pricing

OpenSCAD is a free, open-source tool.

OpenSCAD Use Cases

Use case 1

3D Printing: OpenSCAD offers excellent capabilities for designing 3D printed parts. Exported STL files allow for full control during the modeling process.

Use case 2

Engineering: Stable, accurate, and reproducible results fit for science and engineering applications.

Use case 3

Team Design: Compatibility with version control systems like Git, together with the human-readable text formats, promote collaboration.



Take a bow to SketchUp, a magnificent CAD creation emanating from the stables of Trimble Inc. With roots deep within architecture, interior design, engineering, and beyond, this 3D modeling behemoth offers unparalleled versatility via its Web-based app, SketchUp Free, and three paid subscriptions: SketchUp Shop, SketchUp Pro, and SketchUp Studio.

SketchUp Top Features

  • Exquisitely intuitive interface strikes a chord with novices and veterans alike.
  • Architectural design, interior modeling, and product visualization reflect the tapestry of its expansive capabilities.
  • Smart Drawing Tools draft your vision into reality.
  • Extensive 3D Warehouse with an array of user-generated models.
  • Advanced Real-time Collaboration for seamless teamwork.
  • Impressive Rendering Options, compatible with V-Ray for photorealistic results.
Extensions File Compatibility

SketchUp Disadvantages

  • Extensions not supported in SketchUp Free, web-based version.
  • Shifted to subscription-based model as of November 4, 2020, which might not appeal to all users.

SketchUp Pricing

SketchUp offers a free Web-based variant to wet your feet. Beyond that, to unleash the full potential, the options are threefold: SketchUp Shop, SketchUp Pro, and SketchUp Studio – each taking the functionality a notch higher.

SketchUp Use Cases

Use case 1 – Architecture

With intricate precision and accuracy, SketchUp is a virtual Eden for architects. It manifests concepts into viewable models, dwelling within the confines of realism. From layout functionality to placing models in Google Earth, it’s a delight.

Use case 2 – Interior Design

A niched prowess in interior modeling breathes life to your vision of spaces. The canvas of your imagination conjoins with SketchUp’s advanced modeling features, weaving a narrative only limited by thought itself.

Use case 3 – Product Design

The intrinsic need for detail in product visualization calls for a tool like SketchUp. Innovate, experiment and bring your masterpiece to life with photorealistic renders.



Fashioned by the artistry of Dutch animation studio NeoGeo, and shaped by the relentless pursuit of Ton Roosendaal, Blender emerged into this world in 1994. A free and open-source, multidimensional toolset, it plays with the radiance of 3D computer graphics, pushing the walls of reality to create dynamic universes.

Blender Top Features

  • 3D modeling: Build and manipulate stunning shapes with precision.
  • UV mapping and texturing: Paint your 3D canvases with a myriad of colors and nuanced patterns.
  • Rigging and Skinning: Animate your creations with the heartbeat of life.
  • Fluid and smoke simulation: Spawn wisps of smoke, and let ethereal liquids flow.
  • Video Editing: Trim, splice, and stitch moving narratives for viewer delight.
Feature Benefit
Support multiple languages Blender speaks in 36 languages, embracing creators globally.
Multiple OS Compatibility It dances across Linux, macOS, Windows, BSD, and Haiku platforms, ensuring nobody misses out on its magic.
Flexibility of file formats Alembic, 3DS, FBX, and more – your creativity coursed through multiple formats.

Blender Limitations

  • Depreciated Game engine in 2.8 release, limiting certain functionalities.
  • Removal of Blender Internal, favoring Eevee renderer since 2.80 release. Experienced users may face a bit of unlearning and relearning.

Blender Pricing

Blender weaves its spell for free! Popularity financed through community crowdfunding, it thrives as an open-source software, inviting all to join its dance.

Blender Use Cases

Use Case 1: Film Production

For the master storytellers crafting animated films and immersion-rich VR worlds, Blender bodes as a faithful sidekick, creating both the magic and mechanics of visionary tales.

Use Case 2: Visual Artists and Graphic Designers

Blender allows artists and designers to push the envelope of their imagination, venturing from static art into the dynamic realms of motion graphics.

Use Case 3: 3D Printing Enthusiasts

Breathe life into the dreams of 3D-printed models. Explore the edges of creativity with Blender’s simulation capabilities, bringing true physical properties into the virtual models.

Fusion 360:

Meet Fusion 360, a multilingual and cloud-based collaboration platform for all your design and engineering needs. Developed by Autodesk, this integrated powerhouse combines CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design to bring your 3D graphics and modelling dreams to life.

Best Fusion 360 Features:

  • Affordable: Fusion 360 offers a bang for your buck with an annual subscription of $545 or $70 per month.
  • Integrated Design: With CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB design in one place, Fusion 360 offers flexible, direct modelling and user-friendly interface.
  • Strong Online Community: Need assistance with your project? Fusion 360’s robust online community is always on standby to help you out. Not to mention Autodesk’s excellent support giving you a worry-free designing experience.
Feature Benefit
Cloud Integration Streamlines Workflow
Realistic Rendering Advanced 2D & 3D Designing
Regular Feature Updates Stay Updated With The Latest Tools & Enhancements

Fusion 360 Downsides:

  • Potential Malware Risks
  • Lack of Personalized Keyboard Controls
  • No Web-Based Standalone Version

Fusion 360 Pricing:

Fusion 360 is as attractive in terms of pricing as it is in terms of features. You can avail it for $545 annually or choose a monthly subscription plan at $70.

Fusion 360 Use Cases:

Purpose 1: Electronics Designing

Fusion 360’s integrated electronics for MCAD and ECAD co-designing makes it an excellent choice for electronics designers.

Use Case 2: Architecture

For architects, Fusion 360 offers tools for aesthetic design and architecture, making it easier to envision and deliver stunning projects.

Use Case 3: Mechanical Design

With its easy-to-use interface and advanced 2D & 3D designing capabilities, Fusion 360 is highly rated for its use in the mechanical design industry.

Grant Sullivan

Content writer @ Aircada and self proclaimed board game strategist by day, AI developer by night.