If you’re into sophisticated 3D modeling, simulation, and product design, the superior choice is FreeCAD. However, for those focusing on 2D technical drawings and needing a lightweight, quick-response tool, LibreCAD stands out.

Differences of FreeCAD and LibreCAD

Key Differences Between FreeCAD and LibreCAD

  • CAD Type: FreeCAD is a 3D CAD modeler, whereas LibreCAD is strictly a 2D-CAD application.
  • Functionality: FreeCAD expands to broader mechanical, architecture, and electrical engineering uses, while LibreCAD focuses on technical drawing purposes.
  • Software Extensions: FreeCAD’s functionality can be extended with Python and through various plugins, while LibreCAD does not offer similar extensions.
  • Community: FreeCAD boasts over 25,000 active forum members. LibreCAD’s support and documentation is offered by a large dedicated community.
  • File Support: FreeCAD supports file formats like DXF, SVG, STEP, IGES, STL, OBJ, DAE, SCAD, IV, IFC. LibreCAD reads/writes DXF, DWG, JWWCAD, LFF, CXF, and reserves broader support for exporting files.
Comparison FreeCAD LibreCAD
Design Type 3D CAD modeler, BIM software 2D-CAD application
Intended Use Engineering design, expands to architectures, electrical, construction Technical drawing, 2D designs
Open-Source Yes Yes
Software Architecture Modular, extendable with Python Ported to Qt4 due to outdated Qt3 library.
Operating Systems Linux, macOS, Windows Windows, Apple, Linux
Community Support Active forum with over 25,000 members Large, dedicated community of users, contributors, developers
Extended Functionalities Offers tools similar to CATIA, Creo, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, NX, Inventor, Revit; Delivers G-code support for 3D printing Compatible with AutoCAD; Ideal for handling DWG files, architectural projects, and CAM CNC machinery design
Design Approach Designs objects as solid structures using a feature-based parametric modeler; 3D models created from 2D sketches Makes complex 2D designs; Ideal for quick prototype designs

What Is FreeCAD and Who’s It For?

FreeCAD is a versatile 3D CAD modeler particularly geared towards mechanical engineering and product design but with broad-reaching applications in other engineering sectors. This advanced tool is free and open-source, compatible with various platforms including Linux, macOS, Windows, and is extendable with Python. The software is intended for users who wish to recreate real-life objects in 3D virtual spaces.

FreeCAD is built on a feature-based parametric modeler foundation and is perfect for engineers, architects, or designers looking to simulate designs and objects before real-world production. It operates under various categories such as BIM, MCAD, PLM, CAx, CAE, and can be further adapted with plugins to meet more specific needs.

Colorful engineer using FreeCAD software

Pros of FreeCAD

  • Free and open-source
  • Broad engineering applications beyond mechanical design
  • Extendable functionality using Python and plugins
  • Active support community with more than 25,000 members
  • Solid G-code support for 3D printing

Cons of FreeCAD

  • Limited capabilities for 2D drawing, animation, and 3D model manipulation
  • License issues with GNU LibreDWG library for DWG support

What Is LibreCAD and Who’s It For?

LibreCAD is a free, open-source 2D-CAD application that functions readily across Windows, Apple, and Linux. Initially a project designed to build CAM abilities into the community version of QCad, LibreCAD has since evolved to suit technical drawing, 2D designs, rapid prototyping, architectural projects, and CAM CNC machinery designs.

Riding on its specialize in 2D designing and drafting, LibreCAD efficiently serves professional designers, engineers, hobbyists, and architects who need a reliable yet free CAD solution. Its significant support from an engaging community makes it readily extendable and open to improvements.

Colorful draftsman using LibreCAD for technical drawing

Pros of LibreCAD

  • Free and open-source
  • Supports DWG and DXF file formats
  • Large community support for documentation and improvements
  • Highly customizable UI and feature set

Cons of LibreCAD

  • No 3D design capabilities

FreeCAD vs LibreCAD: Pricing

Both FreeCAD and LibreCAD are free, open-source software, demonstrating an impressive cost-efficiency in the realm of CAD technologies.


The striking element of FreeCAD’s pricing model is its impressive free availability. As a free and open-source software, it presents significant economic benefits by eliminating licensing costs. Users have the freedom to modify and extend the software to cater to their specific needs.


Similarly, LibreCAD is also a free, open-source CAD application, ensuring cost-effective accessibility to its users. Being under the GNU General Public License GPLv2, its source code is made freely available to users, providing them with an opportunity to modify the software suits their unique design requirements.

Code Examples for FreeCAD & LibreCAD


This example utilizes FreeCAD’s built-in Python interface with a bit of computational geometry, creating a parametric B-spline surface.

        # FreeCAD Python SPLINE CODE
        import FreeCAD, Part
        import math

        def makeSplineSurface():
            poles = [[[i,j,math.sin(i)*math.sin(j)] for i in range(-3,3)] for j in range(-3,3)]
            knots = [range(1,4) for _ in range(2)]
            mults = [[4,3,4] for _ in range(2)]
            deg = [3,3]
            periodic = [False,False]
            spline = Part.BSplineSurface()

            spline.buildFromPolesMultsKnots(poles, mults, knots, periodic, deg)

        if __name__ == '__main__':


The following code will utilize LibreCAD’s scripting feature, using RS command to draw an isometric cube on the canvas.

        # LibreCAD Lisp Isometric Cube
        (DEFUN C:BOX
            (/ x y z r)
            (setq x 10 y 10 z 10 r 20)
            (command "POINT" x y)
            (command "POINT" (+ x r) y)
            (command "POINT" x (+ y r))
            (command "POINT" (- x r) y)
            (command "POINT" x (- y r))
            (command "POINT" x y z)
            (command "LINE" x y z (+ x r) y z)
            (command "LINE" x y z x (+ y r) z)
            (command "LINE" (- x r) y z x y z)
            (command "LINE" x (- y r) z x y z)
        (command "BOX")

FreeCAD or LibreCAD?

In the standoff of FreeCAD vs. LibreCAD, placement largely relies on utility preference and domain application. The particulars provided below can aid your judicious decision.

Focused 3D Designers

FreeCAD, a comprehensive 3D CAD modeler, is your ideal pick. Its strength lies in the feature-based parametric modeler and a sweeping toolkit mimicking the likes of SolidWorks, CATIA, and more. This makes it perfect for mechanical engineering, product design and beyond.

Focused 3D designers attentively working on a CAD Software

2D Enthusiasts

LibreCAD, being a powerful 2D-CAD application, outshines FreeCAD in the 2D realm. Its fast response time, ability to handle DWG files, and an easily customizable UI make it suitable for quick prototype designs and architectural projects.

2D designer engrossed in sketching an architectural design on LibreCAD

Open-Source Advocates

Both FreeCAD and LibreCAD champion the open-source community. However, each with its distinct codebase, Python for FreeCAD and Qt5 for LibreCAD, your choice should align with your coding prowess.

Open source developer coding enthusiastically at his workspace

If 3D modeling and simulations stir your interest, go for FreeCAD. For quick and clean 2D designs, turn to LibreCAD. Till the day LibreCAD forays into 3D, FreeCAD will hold the 3D fort.

Tiffany Brise

Content writer @ Aircada, patiently awaiting a consumer AR headset that doesn’t suck.